This research aimed to examine the culture of wall chalking
advertisements done in major areas of Karachi. The research is
both analytical and descriptive. Content analysis technique was
used by taking more than sixty advertisements for the visual
examination, furthermore, the advertisements were divided into
categories and sub-categories according to their content. The
visual content was collected to give a detailed overview of the
types of messages disseminated across Karachi along with an
unstructured interview conducted from a painting artist. Seven
areas of Karachi were selected for the content collection. Findings
show that there is a market for the consumption of the messages
like black magic experts, magic masters for love marriage, and
solutions to sexual problems, early marriages, etc. However, there
were few commercial wall-chalking advertisements like car
training schools, painters contact numbers, fattening tablets, wet,
mobile accessories shops, hotel promotion, and plot required for
restaurants. The present trends in urban landscape are
diminishing the role of the wall chalking advertisement and
rendering more problems for the commercial painters.
Sheeza Khan, Sadia Mahmood. (2021) A Thematic Analysis of Wall chalking Advertisement: A Case Study of Karachi, Pakistan, Journal of Media Studies, Volume-36, Issue-1.
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