مقالے کی قسم

Using urosz,-..s.ectiomal data from 6 farms, non-iponsinte of Bitterna ti v teolinologies. of paddy production wore identified. Itwas found th4t not only the factor proportions but also teehni-quo' and. practiocs of the three elaasoa of farms differed aigni6- eantly. The low-yield farrnzi could., at least, di)uble their producti-vity by adopting inputs and technicruxs of Ow high-yield fare tie provided factor supply and ace uo.c.ifitrai.ots Oro removed. INTRODUCTION The management of a business firm is s, complex funi.Aion of making and execating decisions 61141 it requires capability to cope with endogenous and exogenous situations of soei►i, eoonomio and psychic (labour weifilr0) canoe. This function comprises Perceiving 4 problernatio sit.uatiou, Identifying the dueiklion choioe. set. Viausdizing the dynamic sequence of de4).12!.ions, Antieipating and analyzing klocio-econmic outconics of dReisios. Identifying complcuicriting and oupplenicnting decisionkk. Establishing criteria for selecting decisiuns. Attaching priority tags to 641100t01 AntAYZiag resuurk:e markets and organizing reu.ourCez. This paper is a part of the study, ''Conventional, Tramitional and Progropiivis Technologic!! of Paddy Production in a Mixed Farming Area" which was fund-ed by the Agricultural Development Douncil. Mr. Abdul Hague worked. hard tu eornplste thin stwly. Helpful ooiutrion.ta of MIR B. Lockwood end Ai S. B.Kider are gratefully acknowledged. **Dayartraent of Agrioulturfil EGonomi05, Ulliv.cr.sily of Agrieul tare, Faisalabad {Pakistan). 128

Mian M. Aslam. (1984) High, intermediate and low yield technologies of paddy production in a selected area of the Punjab, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 21, Issue 3,4.
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