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Inspito of the Nab that Pakiatain is prodomias.ativ an agriouttaral eountr,y and that the importance of milk as a nearly perfect food for human beings of may ...go is well established+ the production ... Read More

Ia April, 1984, a few diseased egg plants (Solant6Th trielongena L.) showing wilt symptoms were collected from two fi.eldA in a suburb of Fa.i8alabad, One field Lard egg-plants raised from transplant ... Read More

During April, 1983, A 3.Pix (Linum tvidaasiiinton L1) cultivar "Border 1.7. 5" grown in an experimental plot at MARC, Islamabad, wag found to be infected with terry rot disease. The characteristic sym ... Read More

Duriug kharif season (July•Septetrihar) of 1983, pods of exotio and local mungbeau (Vivra. radiate L ) Wilezek.) cultivara planted. at National Agrioul. Food Le go ea p ro vein en t tuella Researa Cen ... Read More

A n.,:w Luearne (..ifedie.tivio saliva Linn.) was observed sit intik No. 9 J. B.,. 1)intriut Faisslaball dwrifig August, 1982. Ttie upper parts of di8eased Omits ioduding the influ °rem:let-ice wore 1 ... Read More

Wheat was sown in small plats (17' x 1001 ) in rows. The weed reeds sown along with the crop were allowed to compete with the-crop for different durations. The grain and Straw yields cleoreased Eignif ... Read More

Two hunched Animals each of Sheep and goat $.peciss• were used from Faisalabad city and Kuiljah town (District Guiratili alangbtor homes to study the enact of Age and aor oa oarcaReliadd. Irrespective ... Read More

13Lotorio'ogles) exEanination and lotteocytic counts wore conducted on EIR.Mpbeig taken from 150 apparently besrlthy buffaloes from different areas of Paisalabeol. Out of 1.150 samples OR (44.00 %) we ... Read More

The geographic distribution of the bandi000t rat bengalensis has greatly changed in Pal isten in recent years. It. has colonized the cultivations of ceintral Punjab in largo numbers slid is beading so ... Read More

A .15 5 dieliel erns experiment on rice (Orr:a saliva L for genetic analysis under two spacing conditions wag conducted In the Deportment of Plaint Breeding sad Clenetios, University of Agriculture, Y ... Read More

Data on 218 lantationa of 127 Tharparkar cowe atr thn Govarnment Livestock Farm, Rakh District Bliakkar wore analyRed, for variation in milk yield. due to season of calving end Como physiologioal fact ... Read More

Calculations based on X-ray projection studies revealed that (Indoly1-3) phenyl iodonium trif I uoroace tate is a T-shaped. mole; However, if two non bonded electron pairs an. iodine Ire taken. into a ... Read More

Twenty-Ive fungal strains of Aopergillus, Mucor, Penicillium and Rhizopus species isolated from soil and otbor food product"! have been tceted for their lipolytie activity. Under ApAClitied ELIS437 CO ... Read More

Population structure was determined in natural populations of two Trifoliton 4ifler i n (hair b r i fig eyateme. Gene flow was estimated from pollen and eeed disporkial distribu.- Mons. and the ffeeti ... Read More

Piasinx conoeritratione of oxytetracycline he beer . measured in adult normal buffaloes after a single close of 7.6 rig jkg wadi pha.rmaeokinetie ate lysie wam. clone by one compartracnt open model_ T ... Read More

Planning related to agricultural machinery must not be carried out on the basis of speculations and interview!. Information regarding the performance of equipment alongwith its eoonomio feasibility is ... Read More

Data on 218 lactations of 127 Tharparkar cowl at the Govern-ment Livestock Farm, Raktt. Ghia!amen, District 1Bhakkar, were analyaed f or the influence of gelison and oomelLetation parameters on Forge, ... Read More

A comps.rative study of atitnmn versus spring croppingnystern of sugoireano revealed that monoerOlving 'of ePtilrig carte -in -the middle of March. gave 4411ei.r osine- yitid,,as !compared to al:attai ... Read More

Using urosz,-..s.ectiomal data from 6 farms, non-iponsinte of Bitterna ti v teolinologies. of paddy production wore identified. Itwas found th4t not only the factor proportions but also teehni-quo' an ... Read More

Data taken from it uniformity trial on wheat were utilized to see the best possible plot size by making 1l.52 plots each of site 1.52x. 1.22 in. The plots of various sizes and shapes. were 'cons-truct ... Read More

A rud....seriptic)n. of Pi/1100141:s magnum Sased and Bi1l:lee/1, 197I is gin with ukirface. ultrenstruetu.re of the prohoseim. and, the spines. Variktiona were observed in (1) number of proboscis spi ... Read More

Samples of 'khaar' from different areas were analysed quali-tatively and quantitatively. Sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and silicone were found to be the major cations, while carbonate, s ... Read More

ABSTRACT A study involving 150 broiler chicks aged M clays was conducted to compare different commercial vitamin mineral supplements in broiler;s finishing rations. The supplements tested were "self ... Read More

ABSTRACT A study involving 150 broiler chicks aged M clays was conducted to compare different commercial vitamin mineral supplements in broiler;s finishing rations. The supplements tested were "self ... Read More

ABSTRACT A study involving 150 broiler chicks aged M clays was conducted to compare different commercial vitamin mineral supplements in broiler;s finishing rations. The supplements tested were "self ... Read More

A study involving 150 broiler chicks aged M clays was conducted to compare different commercial vitamin mineral supplements in broiler;s finishing rations. The supplements tested were "self prepared p ... Read More

A study involving 150 broiler chicks aged M clays was conducted to compare different commercial vitamin mineral supplements in broiler;s finishing rations. The supplements tested were "self prepared p ... Read More

A study involving 150 broiler chicks aged M clays was conducted to compare different commercial vitamin mineral supplements in broiler;s finishing rations. The supplements tested were "self prepared p ... Read More

A study involving 150 broiler chicks aged M clays was conducted to compare different commercial vitamin mineral supplements in broiler;s finishing rations. The supplements tested were "self prepared p ... Read More

A study involving 150 broiler chicks aged M clays was conducted to compare different commercial vitamin mineral supplements in broiler;s finishing rations. The supplements tested were "self prepared p ... Read More

A study involving 150 broiler chicks aged M clays was conducted to compare different commercial vitamin mineral supplements in broiler;s finishing rations. The supplements tested were "self prepared p ... Read More

The analysis of the Fainfall data (1961-1999 of Faisalabad revealed decreasing trend upto 1970, whereas increasing trend was aftenkards. The ciontrituticn to this in tend( ney 1970 was mainly matte by ... Read More

The females of the bandicoot rat (Bandieota bengalensis) living in the croplands of the central Punjab remained reproductively quiescent from Now)mber through February. The smallest El exu. ally matur ... Read More

During in vitro evaluation of nine systemic fungicides Ascoehyta rabiei mycelium was the most sensitive to Tilt, TBZ, Thiophanate methyl and least sensitive, in decending order to Sicarol, Bayleton, S ... Read More

Seventy-five day-old broiler chicks were fed four different commercial starter rations alongwith a control ration from 0.5 weeks. The average weight gain and feed efficiency varied from 668.94-958.70 ... Read More

A iitticly wais conducted for 16 comecutive nights using a random group of eleven buffa1or3s to take into account such para-meters of nocturnal behaviour aq sleep and resting regimes and rhythms of ot ... Read More

Variations in plant dry waight, leAf area., leaf arearatio, leaf dry , specific leaf weight, leaf nitrogen contents, relative growth rate, net assimilation rate and the interrelationships between thes ... Read More

permeabill......y, water absorption, iiwelling behavi.. our and dryirig rate are the major moisture-raoverraunt characterirs-tics of a HOi 1, An attempt was made to study the characteristics of a silt ... Read More

permeabill......y, water absorption, iiwelling behavi.. our and dryirig rate are the major moisture-raoverraunt characterirs-tics of a HOi 1, An attempt was made to study the characteristics of a silt ... Read More