مقالے کی قسم

A .15 5 dieliel erns experiment on rice (Orr:a saliva L for genetic analysis under two spacing conditions wag conducted In the Deportment of Plaint Breeding sad Clenetios, University of Agriculture, Yates/abed. Genetic estimation fc.Pr plant height, number of tillers per plant, number of grains per panic:do sad yield of grain per plant appeared to be additive and for number of panictea it was the ease of complete dominsooe. No change in the gene action Wig Deltked with the change in spiciest except a little in the position of array points on thir regreuicin line. INTRODUCTION in addition to its importance as a food crop in Pakiztan, rise is a subs. to source of foreign exchange au, well- Pakistan has got the monoply of growing world famous fine aromatic Bestnati rice. It has fine grait and exce-llent cooking quality. But the varieties, for instance Barnati-370 end Basmati-Pak, producing such a good quality rice are tsil and can not withstand heavy ft rtilization„ hence, their per unit area yield ie 1 w. They are late maturing too, thus affecting ths wheat crop which follows the rice crop in rotation in the ries growing tract. Keeping these feels in view the solution seems to ;ie, in the synth.ests of a shoit stattiredp well adapted genotype of Basmati possessiug harmunious combiriatiou for bettor quality, higher yield on a unit area basis, slung -with response to fertilizers and a dependable genetic d, fence meclianiirEk sEL6inHt the prevalent complex of diseases and in.meoi pests, Genetic studies by Chang (1967), Irri (1007), Yxr (19.085), Lin (1960), Hun (1971), R,hiendran, and Nrimboodiri (19I1)„ Khan (1g7a)p h aiY rind Khan (1982), Pan,wor and ps.rttnent of Plant 33recding and Genetie■„ University of Agriculture, Ea imikbad. 208

Manzoor A. Khan, Iftikhar A, A. Rehman. (1984) Diallel analysis of some agronomic characters of rice (oryza sativa L.) plant under two spaciaga, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 21, Issue 3,4.
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