مقالے کی قسم

The geographic distribution of the bandi000t rat bengalensis has greatly changed in Pal isten in recent years. It. has colonized the cultivations of ceintral Punjab in largo numbers slid is beading soulr.h•west.. Increased use of irrigation, "AA multi-ple and continuous cropping involving cultivation of sugarcane seem to have favoured expansion in its geographic range. IN-rRODUCTIDN in recent years, the bandi000t rat (Bondicoola besigatensi.$) has emerged as the rnoct damaging and widespread pest. of the (tropism& of Pakistan+ It inflicts severe damage on 5tigiros.ne, wheat and doe crops (Gres.v.e8 e.t 12' 1977; Bog et ea.. .1917, li179; Fulk e; at, ]081). According to Ellermam (1811) two Iloparate populatiots of lhis rat .(xist in Ps kir.tu n, B, berrguicer,Sis word in Hach, Lair, northern Punjab, and southern N W,Ir.P„ and B. Nmilatertais igok in Sind arid southern Punja.b. About a. century ago the bandicoot rat WAS recorded Sind by Murrey 11884)- from hround Jathi and Keti Bandar in Thatta District, Ucnarkot in Ths.rparkar, and extreme north of ,Tacobabsd District, But, Roberts (1177) and Srnict .6g a. (1.078) are the Vitliir that. Om rat is either extremely rare or absent from the di€triote of upper- Sind and ham. not yet lien able to spry-ad to any or the drier regions of the southern Purdah, In Uric) flood plains of liywer Sind it %was once so prevaleJat and destructive to the ricf! crop that 'Weigh" 0927) considered it to be one. of the three probable rausus (the others being malaria rind IIMML11111 tiOndiDg) of the lacic, of develop. menu in this region

Mirza Azher Beg , Akbar Ali Khan. (1984) The Bandicoot rat invades Punjab, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 21, Issue 3,4.
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