مقالے کی قسم

13Lotorio'ogles) exEanination and lotteocytic counts wore conducted on EIR.Mpbeig taken from 150 apparently besrlthy buffaloes from different areas of Paisalabeol. Out of 1.150 samples OR (44.00 %) were found to be Infected. The pathogenic organisms conA.Nitecl of staphylonocoi (415.4fi%), streptocooei 03..57), 4-!-oliform (I2,59 °/,„). bacillti. (2.10 %),, pseudottionas (1.4.0 %) and, yel'ilt "Mg (0.70D %). The incidence of infection (rub-clinical inastil is) appeared, to inoriRase in late lactation. The hind quarters. were found morn truculently infected than, fore quarters, Leuoo-cytie uounts -with more than 0.1 million c.olisitn1 indicated infection, with different noicroolvaniarag.. ntoDucT ION Of the 913V6F13,1 diaeasel:i of bulfadoce, udder problem is the molt lier1.0118 ail it caumes high economic lows by recluetion in milk production. Infection of olio quart or approximately rwineea production by 10 tip 15 per cent. Ac:0:orcling to an estimate., average iut-c....ction reduces the income by ?40 !nation rupee pur armuni. in Punjab (Chaud.hry 1978). whereas the annual finuaLial foes duR, to sub•clinial niaatiti& in India was eatirnated to bo 5.29 billion rupees (Dhantia & Sethi, 1062), Udder infection lia9 been repuited. to Lit! ca.used by nitialy differont minro-orgdoilEn3 illOinding ap.'"ello.:vccua aurm.46, E.5chericipia G is., oriosebaererisyn Brici‘lus .P.1.9teurella Ailveobucteritztit euburoutosiu• Strep-toeoeo.iii, Patudorrionaa, Nocardia species,. etc. Lettconytin infiltration in milk gives an incliwilitm of infcctions changes

Kubra B. Sahi, Iftikhar Hussain, M. Ashfaque. (1984) Bacteriology of milk taken from apparently normal buffalo udder, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 21, Issue 3,4.
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