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Two hunched Animals each of Sheep and goat $.peciss• were used from Faisalabad city and Kuiljah town (District Guiratili alangbtor homes to study the enact of Age and aor oa oarcaReliadd. Irrespective of the sproies .and sex, a higher dressing percentage waB ntmerred. in anima!! aged. upt.o Nix month:. GE11111. filhErINTa better carcase yield as oompared to Phi.ep when slaughterbd at the Plaint ago. Similarly, mile animals prods ed heavier care sea thiu those of females. The amount of blood as pereentaga of body weight was fouvito ha more in males than. 'LL) lecnnies of both epenies., Age and sex significantly influened the head and trotter9 weight both in sheep and Age, sex th.ndspeciLii 15 OA II, highly signineant nfiect 0EL kidney and plunk weight. Tho Indinatedthat liveweight and oareaae woight and weights of blood, head, trotters, and kidney ware significantly oorriEslted. INTRODUCTION The per capita coriAbi.ruption of meat is 9.61 kg in Pakistan {Anonymous, 11383-84)., which is very low Ae compared to that of several developed countries. Of the resonamended level of about 63 gm of dietary protein/had/day, only 12 gm come from foods of as or (1-luasains 1981.). TT ...La value. of dietary protein, by any nitanclard, is munii below the recommended Inv c:1 (Adam el 1082). Stilitilde steps need to be tiller to saneliorite the situation coiteeroing ve..ry low per capita oorinumption of meat in the country. Among the 1ife8toa., sheep and goats because of their gro.kin..; n.1.41Db4g-, highlr %rake of the food iteme produoed by them and. *mall geu.+3- ration interval, (Au piny a significant role in effecting improvement in meat

Nazir Ahmad, Bakht B. Khan, S. Ahmed. (1984) Carcase yield as influenced by age and sex in sheep and goats, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 21, Issue 3,4.
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