مقالے کی قسم

During in vitro evaluation of nine systemic fungicides Ascoehyta rabiei mycelium was the most sensitive to Tilt, TBZ, Thiophanate methyl and least sensitive, in decending order to Sicarol, Bayleton, Saprol and fu an with an intermediate sensitivity to Benomyl and Carboxin, Tilt and TBZ completely inhibited the rnycelial grovvth even at 5 ugiml, whereas with Thiophanate methyl and Benomyl, complete inhibition was obtained only at 50 ugiml dosage rate. The most effective spray fungicides in reducing disease rating of Ascochyta blight were Tilt and TBZ, whereas the most effective f,,ingieides in reducing per cent pod infection and per cent seed with symptom lesions of A. rabid were Tilt, TBZ and Benomyl. Grain plots sprayed. with TBZ, Thiophanato methyl, Benomyl, Tilt, Carhoxin and Sicarol gave, respectively, 201, 196, 177, 144, 119 and 110 per cent higher grain yield over the non-sprayed control, Tilt phytotoxicity to gram flowers resulted in lower yield than that of TBZ. INTRODUCTION Gram blight caused by Ascochyta rabiei (Pass.) Lab. is typically an epidemic disease which appears almost regularly in alarming epidemics in both the barani and irrigated areas of the Punjab. The fungus infects all above ground parts of the gram plant (Cicer arietinum L.) 1. e. foliage, stem and pods and the disease is perpetuated from season to season either through infected gram seeds or through in Noted plant de bris lying on the surface of the fields. In some years with favourable season it causes total failure of the gram crop. This disastrous situation derives from lack of suitable resistant commercial varieties and calls for extensive search for resistant ge rmplasm to breed stable resistant varieties for genera] cultivation, *Department of Plant Pa thology, University cif Agriculture, Faisalabad. 41

M. B. Ilyas , M. Bashir. (1984) Evalaution of systemic fungicides for the control of Gram Blight, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 21, Issue 1,2.
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