مقالے کی قسم

A rud....seriptic)n. of Pi/1100141:s magnum Sased and Bi1l:lee/1, 197I is gin with ukirface. ultrenstruetu.re of the prohoseim. and, the spines. Variktiona were observed in (1) number of proboscis spines (2) length of probu2scis pie (3) number and row of collar ktpinea (4) length of probthicia mceptacle, 43ind. (5) length of bum'. Ultrastruo. ture BtudieH ehowed that the cuticle on proboscis ig 0111200th and at the badi0 E..aeh Elvin.° there i23 swellig of cutiele which i9 regarded. a functional mid proteetivo structural tooklificatio.n. INTRODUC.TION P12.1.lisen1id. riu.septum Smell arid Bilgeee, 1971 was ori.g.inally reported from Wealago aght of Ki.1ri Lake. Once again this apecieis 13 being reported from the bane hoot and louali.ty. But previously the d.eseription was not. given. in detail. At present, a ouniplete de.seription of the specie'a with variations i3 being given. with. surface ultrastrue. tura of the proboaek And the spines. hIATERIALS AND MET HODS Two &Iliac Hrnd. nine [nal+) apocimen3 were reeovored from lfradago of of Kaki Lierkei, Two mule; specimens we ro u.90(1, here for study under suo.rining ul.e.otron microueliiper For the stud3.r of surface nitrastructurs the rive apeoimeus wen, liKed in 0)41 glutaraldehyde in buffer (7.2) for 24 hours. Then dehyd-rated., dried, 11101111LE'd rin Auha a.md coated with gold a desioribed. ppevio(.sly 1916 &. 119 i7) 4ILd examined under a. ileaniling Iniorosoope. Photomicro. graph.; Vii3r6 prepartA

Aly Khan , Fatima M. Bilqees. (1984) Ultra structure study and redescription of Pallisentis magnum Saeed and Bilqees, 1971, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 21, Issue 3,4.
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