مقالے کی قسم

Inspito of the Nab that Pakiatain is prodomias.ativ an agriouttaral eountr,y and that the importance of milk as a nearly perfect food for human beings of may ...go is well established+ the production of milk per animal i very low. Evident reasons for low production are low inputs, lack of awareness of livestock breeders About modern bu8bandry practices and poor credibility of those engaged in. livestock and dairy development f3XtbliSiCla services. The prt96Eit study was doaigned to identify different problems faced by farm families in railing milch auiroalH, Thie study was carried out fix Bah.lak integrated rural development area. A sample of 225 respondents was drawn from four villages, keeping in view their neArnssirtIcnoteness from the road. it was ol.ierved that the organization. of veterinary services was much too poor in rural areas and the respondehts were availing it occasionally. The data summarized. in Table 1 showod that veterinary services ans extension services were rather uncommon In villageR away from the road, More than 156 per (lent respondents horn on•the-road villages end more than 72 per oent from vfi-the-road villages, reepeetitely., indicated their diisatiifaction respeot of veterinary services provided to them. Tin dielati.sfs..otion expressed concerning itEmaion. services by respondents both frcrn on-rind off•the-road villages was ain30,8t of the semi magnitude. The dissatjA'a.ntion concerning extension services was. however, lesser in degree tb.a.ri that of veterinary service's. The iicidinge are in agrooment with those of Jost OM) and Kastrup ft al, (1973). It was found that either of the two localities, arti5nial insemination service was not available. Fodder deficiency also nonstituted an important factor loading to low milk yield of dairy aninialg. 'Shortage of irri g&tilitt water appeared to be the major constraint in both tyres of villages reaultirtg hi nrus)1 aria for fodder cultivation,

Sakina Naz. (1984) Problems faced by farm families in raisiag milch animals, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 21, Issue 3,4.
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