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Ia April, 1984, a few diseased egg plants (Solant6Th trielongena L.) showing wilt symptoms were collected from two fi.eldA in a suburb of Fa.i8alabad, One field Lard egg-plants raised from transplant seedlinga while the other field eon, tained plants sprouted from the retoolse of the previous season crop.. The frequericy of the wilted. plants in i he former fitld was 2.7 par cent while in the latter it wan about 3,3 per cent. The causal organism spasociated, edik.11 the affected plants and resporssilEle for their wilt symptoms was a fungus, which upon identi3cation came out t be Sth,roliniti Seger forum (Lib.) de Berl% The, fungus though already reported on. specie' of BraaBios, Brum, Capsicum end oil Sesame., Coriander, Sunflower, Tebaceo, etc. (Butler and Bieby, 1933), ort .01110kPes (Khan, 1073-74) and on pea (Eyes t984), ie a new record on egg-plant in llakiiitaa as it is not included in the fungi of Pakistan, compited by Ahmad (1958, l 969) and Mira c Qureshi (978), Symptorou Ot ghe most and Crhaacterisiica of the Causal Fungt4.9 : The stems of the efEect.cd plants were rotted and developed whitish brown necrotic patches running along the item and surrounded by water 'soaked tissue, the necrotic areas sometimes girdling the stem completely. Some plants exhibiting advanced stage of wilting had nt.crotia !areas extending along the entire aXiA of the nAin item_ At adva.noeci stage of disease development, the leaves were drooped. The roots of the plants were not affected. On !Tilting the affected stem, the pith cavity of the stern was covered with white inyeelial mat or strand! of the fungus. Several black selerctLar of variable size were found embedded in the mycelia mat, They were Arranged in a linear fashion, in lido the pith cavity. The largest iselsrotia were as long as ZO mm, their width, being equal to the diameter of the pith cavity, The average sclerotial length was 6 inns, The mycelial strands were also found below the affected bark of the stem Liat without sclerotia. The fungus from rotted stem tissue was isolated on FDA where it produced white diffused growth on the !surface of the agar. The hyphen *Department of Plant Pathology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, 24S

M. B. Ilyis , M . N. Bajwa. (1984) Selerotinia wilt of egg-plant, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 21, Issue 3,4.
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