مقالے کی قسم

permeabill......y, water absorption, iiwelling behavi.. our and dryirig rate are the major moisture-raoverraunt characterirs-tics of a HOi 1, An attempt was made to study the characteristics of a silty Joan! soiltreated. with sodium (thloride,. It way found that. erolibility, permeability., water a.bsorpti on and the rate of log of moisture. deereased Tali%) the swell increasEd with all inercaso i ti salt tontiont, INTRODITTION The construction of a road network is one of th most effectivu. ways of tho economic cievelopment of a 01)untr,,,i, Traffic intensity izi depailoping countries is too low to justify expm.liture on higher-grade road eonatrmition, Ree.e.nt increasea in the cost of tradiLional construction materials havo err:Os:sized tho need to explore the potontial of indigenous irmuterials for for low •043Ft road. construction_ Soil stabilization is method of procf ssing mattris,ls for the construction of .low-cot roads. 'The stabili2ers usually used aro cetnent, limo Fund bituminous materials which are .L.,xpepsive in most of the. developing tion.ritrieg. The field experiences report ucl. in literature show that ciao. ride has good stabilizing propertivN t i':tify its economic! ubo in roost of the tropical and il.lbtrupical de.veloping countries of A.s.ia. and Africa. The. stability of a pavement can only he maintained if it surface and foundation remacin iii a relatively sir .ondit,ion. It is. therefore very important to i rive4tigate tho moistnre..-Inovement ehriracturisties. e, croctibilitv, perme- *1.1),.....partnien.t of Bhusio Engliieuring, vorNity of Agriculi urt., iTifkist1j8ibaci , **Dclit.irtmont of Civil Engineering, trniver9i ty of Le o& 1

M. Amanat A. Chaudhry , G. Singh. (1984) Moisture-movement characteristics of a silty loam soil stabilized with sodium chloride, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 21, Issue 1,2.
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