مقالے کی قسم

A n.,:w Luearne (..ifedie.tivio saliva Linn.) was observed sit intik No. 9 J. B.,. 1)intriut Faisslaball dwrifig August, 1982. Ttie upper parts of di8eased Omits ioduding the influ °rem:let-ice wore 1:;11aolied out arid dehydrated, vibic.rone the loTiver portions yernis.ined greim. Cluqc. examination revesisd tit of hyphav, of bliok ftuibing pcots h4.4initig row bodies. Tiw organiKni frg_Pcn (natal:led liptbi Int M. isolated on FDA in the Depactmen.3.4Plaiii. Pathology, University of Agrieutture, Faisaisbsd, arirl with found. be Chvalequirrora .c.notrbildrunt (Berk aril RON Thaxter. They fuEkigipiii ]relieved to halts a4auked the. host iPfluored082{..!e. .• progreHebed furthc.r dipwn to the. 1.4V010:r t. of Mail plant. Thi:i ward avpartmt iiY frekii AilpFoirnu.ILs, DESUliIPTION 211,E letr...YOUS - Thu fungus grsm rspidlyeu L1 DA ekii►nts. covering the surfaee with i white cottony fluffy growth of hyphae. Within. two clam the fungus forrrifd typiusl cralidisi heads vellich. tamed .hisrok with maturity. The conidiophorea of the fungus produced on the bust were 8.6 FA.m wide and !apt° 1.6 113171 long. Conddis were borne dirtgroups ., on the., vesicies produced by tie brah.ched end of the eouidiophore, wore olvezeous brown, longitudinal atria ationa 444 pa gi.!u.reiLt 1:4,24 8.13.12,11 with in, average. of 17 x 1 Vesicaes were about 100 pm la diameter. read I Iy PA THOGENICIIIT Thirty alp; old 11100r1P101 seed/149 planted in 910 pots. each with 3 plants, were. used for patliogenioity test. A spore susponsion of C. zucurbigegrum (5 11.04 ermidisfrn1 of H2Q) prepared from PDA culture VMS sprayed witti si hand 14• iDepartmtnt. of Plant Pathology, University of Agriculture, Paisaolbad.. 242

M. A. Randhawa, M. B. Ilyas , Ehsan-ul-Haq. (1984) Lucerne : A new host for Choanephora cucurbitarum in Pakistan, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 21, Issue 3,4.
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