مقالے کی قسم

Population structure was determined in natural populations of two Trifoliton 4ifler i n (hair b r i fig eyateme. Gene flow was estimated from pollen and eeed disporkial distribu.- Mons. and the ffeetive level of outerossing. lit is Fl how n that the measurement of breeding 4y.stern alone does nut allow inferenoea to be made concerning the AM OULIAS et gene flow which occur iii 'natural populist:form. Tire inbrt.wding T. armwre, had by far the largest n.siebouttood si.ze in this 1St udy its relative lack of gene flow mindiated by its breeding system being more than compensated by its long-distance seed dispersal. INTRODUCTION G-eno flow, the movement or dispersal of genes within or among popula-tions, le a crucial factor determining the Structure and cohesiveness of Ppecieo and populations. Spatial romtrietion of gene flow earl lead to non-random mating and to stilbdivieion of a population into genetio neighbourhoods. On thFl other hand, extensive gene flow over large geographical areal. earl overAtiacluv, the effects of localized selective. forces, leading to genetle similarity among populations and ineressed uniformity wiakin a species. The extent and maple tilde of gene flow can therefore., significantly modulate the impaolo of evolution-ary prossurcs impinging on a population. Vri'right (19113) introduced filo it of a neighbotahood and defined it al an area from which the parents of central individuals would have carne with equal probability. The breeding structure of plant populations la poorly under- *Dcpartirient of Plant breeding and Gcnetioa, University of Agriculture, Fill BR laberrl_

M. Saleem. (1984) Gene flow and population structure in two species of Trifolium, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 21, Issue 3,4.
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