مقالے کی قسم

Modern city of Islamabad is one of the oldest living inhabitants in the world. Islamabad has the complete sequence and archaeological findings of Stone Age life showing a continuity of man in this region from the early Stone Age. Geographically, Islamabad remained the natural bearer and defensive zone of Rawalpindi against north western boarders and invaders. Buddhist site of Ban Faqiran, is the oldest historical monument discovered in Islamabad. Archaeological remains of Ban Faqiran and the oldest mosque in Islamabad are perched atop on Margalla hills. Federal Department of Archaeology and museums carried out a comprehensive and fruitful excavation at the site and exposed the buried cultural heritage of Buddhist era and a mosque of Muslim dynasty. Besides structural remains, rare copper coins, iron arrow heads and pot shreds discovered

Shahbaz Ahmad Bhatti, Abdul Ghaffar Loan, Muhammad Amir. (2018) Archaeological potential of Capital of Pakistan-Islamabad and pioneer Archaeological Excavation in Islamabad (Buddhist Stupa-Ban Faqiran), Journal of the Punjab University Historical Society, Volume 31, issue 1.
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