Eastern and Western civilization and its clash is an important research
work. It highlights the merits and demerits of the both civilizations. The
research suggests that the clash of civilization is a reality.The contrast of
Eastern and Western Civilizations is so much striking that some time a very
intelligent person also remains astonished.The clash of Both Civilizatuions
have been depicted very beautifully in Urdu Fiction.Urdu Fiction has laid a
great focus to enlight its reader about the changed point of view of life in
Eastern and Western Civilizations.So,it suggests that clash must be accepted
as a fact. Hence, East and West should adopt suitable measures to learn
tolerance of differences and be prepared to accept others with thier qualities
and faults. It will enable them to enjoy modern world with its merits and
demerits.It also suggests that need of reformation in both civiliztions is
necessray. Reformation in both civilization will produce a safe future to the
coming generations.
سمیرا اسلم. (2018) مشرق اور مغرب کی تہذیبی کشمکش , Bazyaft, Volume 32 , Issue1 .
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