مقالے کی قسم

In this study, the influence of various political, ideological and cultural movements on the poetry of Shaikh Ayaz have been investigated through content analysis method. Analytical results are presented in the context of those movements i.e: Struggle against Birtish rule in subcontinant, Chinese and Russian revolution, the communist movement, Sindhi national and literary movement, One unit movement, bazm-e-sufiya -e-Sindh, the Mystic movement in sub-continent and others. The analy&cal results confirm that those movements or poli&cal and sociolinguis&c situa&ons profoundly influenced Shaikh Ayaz’s poetry. We observed that his ideological and poli&cal poetry is more influenced by the aforemen&oned movements. Due to their influence, different changes occurred in his mental traits which remained the part of his mental and prac&cal evolu&on i.e adop&ng progressive literary thoughts against conserva&veness, to prefer Urdu poetry over Sindhi poetry for some &me, having le/ Urdu returning to Sindhi poetry again, leaving Persian linguis- &c and technical styles and values in Sindhi poetry and adop&ng modern and classical styles, crea&ng poetry with the emo&ons of na&onalism, increasing and decreasing his natural poe&c ability temporarily, and using his poetry for poli&cal purposes and then considering the same to be wrong

Mr. Abdul Waheed Kalwar. (2018) شیخ ایاز جي شاعريءَ تي مختلف سیاسی ۽ نظریاتي تحریڪن جو اثر, Kalachi, Volume 21, Issue 2.
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