مقالے کی قسم

Hassanally Effendi is one of the most important reformers produced by Sindh during last several centuries. He employed educaon as a tool for reformaon of society and established the first ever educaonal instuon that imparted modern educaon primarily to the Muslims of Sindh but was open to everyone. Unfortunately, there is not much research carried out in Sindh or beyond about him and his role in reformaon of Sindh’s society. The purpose of this study was to fill that gap and highlight the role played by him for bringing change in Sindh’s tradional society in the a#ermath of Brish conquest. The methodology adopted for present study was the qualitave one, based on the content analysis of relevant archival material available at Sindh Madressatul Islam University, India Office Records at Brish Library, London, and other literature relang to the subject. The study highlights the circumstances that shaped Hassanally’s vision, his struggle for preeminence, his parcipaon in various social causes, his contribuons towards establishment and nurturing SMI, his services towards Turkey and his legacy.

Dr. Muhammad Ali Shaikh. (2018) Role of Hassanally Effendi as harbinger of change in Sindh , Kalachi, Volume 21, Issue 2.
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