مقالے کی قسم
تاریخِ موصولہ
تاریخِ قبولیت

Research is a prescribed method of uncovering or discovering the mysteries of nature. It is therefore truly considered the spring of knowledge and understanding and the only straight road which leads to scientific and technological growth and development. The knowledge explosion that we have witnessed in the 20th century and is continuing over in the 21st century is the result of enhanced global commitment and improved ways and means for research and development. The resultant enhanced growth and development has benefited all sectors of knowledge and education including biomedical sciences, with tremendous positive impact on patient care and treatment.

M Daud Khan. (2009) The Role of Ophthalmological Society of Pakistan in Research and Development in Ophthalmology in Pakistan, Pakistan Journal of Ophthalmology, Volume 25, Issue 3.
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