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تازہ ترین جلد

Background: Measles is a leading cause of death among children. No specific drug has yet been discovered to treat measles but an available vaccine can effectively prevent the infection.In ... Read More

Background:Globally, diabetes caused 4.6 million deaths during 2011 and burdened health care systems worldwide with $465 billion. The diabetes prevalence rate in Thailand has risen dramatica ... Read More

Background: Dento-alveolar surgical procedures involving third molar teeth are the most common surgical procedure in the field of surgery. The objective of this research was to analyse the i ... Read More

Background: Mental Health problems are widespread globally and are the leading causes of disability. Thelives of people living withmentalillnesses areoftendrasticallyaltered bythesym ... Read More

Background: Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in females including Pakistan. Nowadays immunohistochemistry has revolutionized management of breast cancer. In this study,we determi ... Read More

Background:Globally approximately 100 million people are waterpipe smokers and this trend also prevails in Pakistan. It has detrimental effects on general health and oral health. The object ... Read More

Background: Lateral epicondylitis or tennis elbow is a disease of tendons arising from common extensor origin at the lateral epicondyle of elbow and is commonly characterized by pain on s ... Read More

Background: Lifelong transfusions are life savers for thalassaemia patients but are associated with many complications. Alloimmunization is a major problem for blood banks. Antigen ... Read More

Background: Vitamin D deficiency is becoming a public health problem and involves every segment of the population irrespective of age and gender. This study was conducted to assess its stat ... Read More

Background:Maxillaisperhapsthemostessentialandvisiblepartofthemid-face.Itisathree-dimensionalstructureandwhenreconstructingmaxillectomydefectstheprinciplesofaestheticsaswellasthebestfunctionaloutcomes ... Read More

Background: It has been shown in previous studies there is circadian variation in the onset of acute myocardial infarction. The objective of this study wasto evaluate the relation of circadian variati ... Read More

Background:Congenital heart disease is a significant problem world over especially in neonates. Early diagnosis and prompt interventions in neonatal period precludes the mortality associated with this ... Read More

Background:There is an association of Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This study was designed to determine the frequency of ... Read More

ackground:Spinal injuries are the most devastating injuries and affect every aspect of patients’ lives. This may cause lifelong disability due to spinal cord injury. Recovery of neurologi ... Read More

Background: Portal hypertension can lead to oesophageal varices (EV) and portal hypertensive gastropathy (PHG). The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between severity of Portal hypert ... Read More

Background: This study was conducted to determine the outcome of trans-rectal ultrasound(TRUS) guided biopsy of prostate for the detection of prostatic carcinoma in a single tertiary care hos ... Read More

Background: Postoperative periorbital oedema is a commonly encountered side effect of rhinoplasties in which lateral osteotomies have been incorporated. It dissatisfies the surgeon as well as the pati ... Read More

Background:Denguefever has emerged as an emerging public health issue during last decade bearing significant morbidity and economic burden particularly in third world countries. Current study aims to ... Read More

ackground:Despite a plethora of studies done comparing different obturation techniques using gutta-percha, there is no consensus as to which obturation technique results in a ‘better’ sealing of root ... Read More

Background: Some 20–40% of the periampullary carcinoma is irresectable at the time of diagnosis. Biliary stenting and surgical bypass are commonly used palliative procedure. There is no con ... Read More

Background: Margin assessment is done in Whipple procedures which are usually performed to resecttumours of head of pancreas and ampullary/periampullary region.Aims and objective of the study areto de ... Read More

Background:Wilson disease (WD) is one of the most common metabolic liver diseases in older children. It has a strong genetic background with autosomal recessive inheritance. WD is a multi ... Read More

Background:One of the first concerns of new orthodontic patients, apart from the outcome, is the duration of treatment. A better understanding of orthodontic treatment duration as well ... Read More

Background: Pain after laparoscopic cholecystectomy is mild to moderate in intensity.Several modalities are employed for achieving safe and effective postoperative analgesia, the b ... Read More

Background: Studies have demonstrated radiographic findings of sclerosis and cortical irregularity at the greater tuberosity can suggest a rotator cuff tear. Plain radiographs are the most easily atta ... Read More

Background:Rheumatoid arthritisinflammatory joint disease which is chronic in nature. Since long various researches are carried out to find the remedy of this disease but still a lot of work needed to ... Read More

The word “Smog” is a combination of the words “smoke” and “fog”, which was coined in 1900s in London.1The city experienced its week long episode of “killer smog” in December 1952 ... Read More

Period of first 28 days of life is the most crucial as there are increased risks of paediatric morbidity and mortality arising due to birth related complications. Globally, 45% of under 5 chil ... Read More

In this report, aim is to highlight the recent outbreak of Chikungunya virus in Karachi, the largestcity of Pakistan. Chikungunya virus is transmitted by infected Aedesmosquitoes. Firstly, des ... Read More

ackground: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) launched its flagship Social health protection initiative (SHPI), named Sehat Sahulat Program (SSP). SSP envisions to improve access to healthcar ... Read More

Gaucher’s disease is the most common lysosomal storage disease which occurs due to a deficiency of the enzyme glucocerebrosidase. This enzyme deficiency leads to accumulation of glucocerebro ... Read More

Joubert syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder predominantly involving the cerebellar vermis and brain stem. It is characterized clinically by global developmental delay, ... Read More

Chondroectodermal syndrome or Ellis Van Creveld (EVC) is a rare autosomal recessive congenital disorder. It was first described by Richard W.B.Ellis and Simon Van Creveld in 1 ... Read More

Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) is among the most widely used modalities for treatment of urolithiasis since its introduction in the 1980s. The non-invasive technique reduces the risk o ... Read More

Anterior cruciate ligament injuries are very commonly encountered during routine MRI reporting and various signs have been described for their identification. However, the diagnosis of isolated bundle ... Read More

Salter-Harris type I fractures of the distal tibia are commonly seen in paediatrics and management of such fractures follows an algorithm established in the literature. Despite this, osteonecrosis of ... Read More

Non-classiccongenitaladrenal hyperplasia is a genetic condition caused by deficiency of 21-hydroxylase deficiency (NCAH). It is a milder and later onset form of a genetic condition known asc ... Read More

Non-classiccongenitaladrenal hyperplasia is a genetic condition caused by deficiency of 21-hydroxylase deficiency (NCAH). It is a milder and later onset form of a genetic condition known asc ... Read More

Background:Intracranial arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) consist of an abnormal nidus of blood vessels that shunt blood directly from an artery to a vein and thereby bypass an intervening capillary ... Read More

Background: Scientific research is an important part of healthcare curricula and a vital exercise to help develop clinician’s research skills. The aim of this study was to evaluate quantitatively the ... Read More

Background: Patients with end stage renal disease need an accurate and effective vascular access for haemodialysis. This study was conducted topostulate a hypothesis that proximal arterio v ... Read More

Background: The growing antibiotic resistance against uropathogens has made its treatment a challenge for the physicians. This study was conducted to know the spectrum of bacteria respon ... Read More

Background:Identification of unknown dead bodies’ especially bony remains is doneby different methods like DNA typing, Finger printing,Dentaland other skeletal data, facial reconstructi ... Read More

Background: All definitions of consanguinity encompass the basic concept of close blood relation.Highest rates of consanguineous unions are observed for North and Sub Saharan Africa, Middle E ... Read More

Background: The aim of this study was to investigate whether the learning style preferences of post-graduate medical students change with time when they enter a new learning environment. T ... Read More

Background: WHO MCS in 2011 evaluated the incidence and management strategies linked with maternal and neonatal mortality in facilities across 26 countries including Pakistan.This study, a sub-analy ... Read More

Background: Cerebral infraction is one of the important causes of cerebrovascular accident. This study was conducted to see which risk factors are more prevalent in cerebral infraction. Methods:It is ... Read More

Background:This study was conducted to compare outcomes of different doses of succinylcholine, in terms of intubation condition, onset of action, duration of action and abdominal fascicula ... Read More

Background: It’s estimated that almost 2.2% of the world’s inhabitants suffer from hepatitis C virus (HCV). The most common cause of chronic liver disease in haemodialysis centres is due to HCV. In 19 ... Read More

Background: Pakistan is a federal state with three tiers of government. Following contentious general elections in 2013, ever first democratic transition took place in Pakistan. Subsequently ... Read More

Background: Detection of foreign body oesophagus has always been a challenge for the otolaryngologists. Among different investigations available X -ray is valuable for detection o ... Read More

Background: Curriculum is a plan of educational experiences and activities offered to a learner. Curricular reform is a dynamic process. To make a curricular change impactful the curriculum ... Read More

Background:Spinal anaesthesia causes hypotension that is countered through various methods. Phenylephrine is a vasoconstrictor and haemocoel increases the intravascular vascular volum ... Read More

Background: Iron deficiency anaemia(IDA) is common in Pakistani population and an important cause of morbidity. Celiac disease (CD) is an important contributor and its diagnosis is frequently missed e ... Read More

Background: Pregnant women are more likely to develop antenatal depression due to multiple factors including sickness and death of close family member, unwanted pregnancy, unplanned pregnanc ... Read More

Background: The present study aimed at assessing the relationship between growth changes in maxillary (MS) and sphenoid sinus (SS) and cervical vertebral maturation (CVM) and to evaluate their reliabi ... Read More

Background: This study was conducted to determine the frequency of bladder cancer in diabetic mellitus type II patients treated with Pioglitazone as compared with diabetic mellitus type I ... Read More

Background: Donor notification of reactive status is important to prevent the spread of disease. Response of reactive donors to seek confirmation and treatment is a direct reflection of ... Read More

Background: Renal transplant is the renal replacement therapy of choice for all patients of chronic kidney disease. The aim of this study was to analyse the trends of medical complications ... Read More

Background: Visceral Leishmaniasis (Kala Azar), a vector borne parasitic disease is endemic in many parts of the world including South East Asia.It is a chronic febrile ailment ... Read More

Background: Identifying general surgical patients at risk of poor outcome can be a diagnostic challenge.This study aimed to determine the significance of admission serum acute phase reactan ... Read More

Background: Persistent pulmonary hypertension is a serious disease among new-borns. Inhaled nitric oxide is first line of therapy along with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Pulmonary vasodilators ... Read More

Background: Renal cell carcinoma (RCC), accounts for 2–3% of all new cancers diagnosed. Most renal tumours have characteristic histological features, which help in their sub classification. However, s ... Read More

Background: As a gold standard, calcium hydroxide has always been used as a root canal medicament against root canal pathogens but its combination with chlorhexidine is not being employed in routine d ... Read More

Background: As a gold standard, calcium hydroxide has always been used as a root canal medicament against root canal pathogens but its combination with chlorhexidine is not being employed in routine d ... Read More

Nutrition and diet is, without doubt, of international importance in the health of the world’s people1, but what has this to do with medicine and medical education? The answer is “a gr ... Read More

67-year-old lady presented with the chief complaint of painful nodular ulcerative mixed red and white coloured lesion of the tongue from 8 months Personal history of the pati ... Read More

A 28-month-old boy was brought by his parents for evaluation of poor growth. Parents reported that the child started neck-holding and sitting at 14 and 24 months of age resp ... Read More

According to Parkinson's Disease Foundation (PDF), more than 10 million people worldwide are suffering from Parkinson's disease.1 Parkinson's disease (PD) is a chronic and progressive move ... Read More

One of frequently asked question by medical and dental students / researchers is how to determine thesample size. Sample size calculations is necessary for approval of research projects, clearance fro ... Read More

Pakistan has failed to achieve polio elimination till yet. Poliomyelitis is a crippling childhood disease, which causes paralysis for life.Aim of this study is to compare the fr ... Read More

51-year-old male was referred to the diabetes clinic by the GP with low HbA1c (13mmol/mol). His complaints were dizziness and intermittent palpitations for the last two years. No precipitating cause ... Read More

Less than 100 cases of gestational gigantomastia have been described in literature. The aetiology and risk factors are not well-established. Various treatments have been used with some consensus. We p ... Read More

Gastroparesis being multifocal abnormality is characterized by objective feeling of prolong time of gastricretention without any evidence of anatomical blockage. The key symptoms include early satiety ... Read More

Oro-nasal fistula is an anomalous communication between the floor of nasal passage and the roof of the oral cavity. It may develop as a congenital defect e.g. cleft palate, or rarely, consequent to an ... Read More

Macrophage activation syndrome (MAS) is a potentially lethal complication of chronic rheumatological conditions like ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and adult-onset Still’s di ... Read More

Primary congenital glaucoma is a rare disease that causes elevated intraocular pressure within the first three years of life. Few studies have explored the association of primary congenital glaucoma w ... Read More

The eminent feature of the thyroid gland in its resistance to infection by virtue of a rich blood supply and lymphatic drainage. Concomitantly, high iodine content is also bactericidal. Acutesuppurati ... Read More

Acute myocardial infarction following coronary artery dissection during the post-partum period is a rare entity. Greater hemodynamic stress and hormonal changes increase the risk of developing a coron ... Read More

woman in her 70's with a background of ocular malignant melanoma treated more than a decade ago was admitted to hospital with symptoms of dysphagia and exertional shortness of breath. Ro ... Read More

Aphallia or penile agenesis is very rare congenital anomaly of unknown cause occurring 1 in 30 million live births. Very little has been written in literature about aphallia. There is absent phallus a ... Read More

Cancer of the breast is the leading female cancer accounting for one fourth of the malignancies. The tumour remains the most researched, read and practiced upon a ... Read More

Background: Proper nutrition and health are fundamental rightsand nutrition is a cornerstone that affects and defines the health of all people, rich and poor. The study was done with the objectives to ... Read More

Background: Low back pain (LBP) is considered as one of the most frequent health problems which is responsible for forming a huge worldwide burden. This study was conducted w ... Read More

Background:Background: Primary health care is the backbone of comprehensive healthcare systems, and family physicians complement horizontal health coverage. In the developed world family medicine is i ... Read More

Background: Early pregnancy failure is a common complication in pregnancies. It can be managed medically as well as surgically. Lately there has been an emphasis on medical ma ... Read More

Background: Renal stone disease affects a large population of the world and surgical management is the main stay treatment for larger stones. In comparison to open procedures, percutane ... Read More

Background:Domesticviolenceduringpregnancyisanimportantsocial&healthissueinallsocieties.InMuslimworldandparticularlyunderdevelopedcountries,domesticviolenceisoftenunderreported.Itistheneedofhourtoenco ... Read More

Background:Congenital deafness is commonest birth defect and it affects 2–4 neonates among 1000 live births. Detection and intervention especially before 6 months of age prevents severe linguistic, ed ... Read More

ackground:The long-term cardiovascular health risks associated with cigarette smoking are well established. It is a major risk factor for all manifestations of coronary artery disease, stroke ... Read More

Background: With the passage of time, there has been a drastic increase in psychiatric disorders in past few decades across the world. Due to lack of education and awareness in the rural com ... Read More

Background: Implant dentistry training at the undergraduate level has been introduced only recently in Saudi dental schools and there is only limited data available about it. The objective of ... Read More

Background: Raised levels of cholesterol and triglycerides are major risk factors for atherosclerosis, which can lead to coronary heart disease. Both the CRP and Sialic Acid levels ... Read More

Background: Preterm delivery (before 37 completed weeks of gestation) is a major determinant of infant mortality. The objective of study was to determine the efficacy of 17-alpha hydroxy- ... Read More

Background: Preterm delivery (before 37 completed weeks of gestation) is a major determinant of infant mortality. The objective of study was to determine the efficacy of 17-alpha hydroxy- ... Read More

Background: Multiple factors influence career selection for medical students. In developed countries, training in family medicine is essential to start practice as a general pra ... Read More

Background: Many investigatorsreported the amount of fluoride release from glass ionomer cement.However, the work on fluoride release from GIC containing fluoroapatite and hydroxyapatite is scarce.The ... Read More

Background: Studies have documented the impact of quality family planning servicesonimproved contraceptive uptake and continuation, however, relatively little is known about their quality of se ... Read More

Background:Humans are exposed either deliberately or unintentionally to a variety of diverse chemicals that harm the kidney. To reduce the alarming high incidence of nephrotoxicity,some chemical as ... Read More

Background:Objective Structured Long Examination Record (OSLER) scale was introduced in 1997 by Gleeson to improve the long case examination. There is no psychometric evidence to support reliabili ... Read More

Background:Soft denture lining materials play a very important role in Removable Prosthodontics because of their ability to provide a cushioning effect for maintaining the health of traumati ... Read More

Background:Soft denture lining materials play a very important role in Removable Prosthodontics because of their ability to provide a cushioning effect for maintaining the health of traumati ... Read More

Background: Cleft lip and palate is a relatively common condition presenting a considerable technical challenge, especially the wide cleft (>8mm), for the surgeons. Pre-surgical orthodontics, which re ... Read More

Background:Inadvertent coughing and desaturation are the most commonly faced and feared respiratory complications in post–anaesthesia period.The study was done to compare the efficacy of in ... Read More

Background: Micro leakage around the margins of a restoration is believed to be one of the main causes of postoperative sensitivity.Dental amalgam is a non-insulating material and has the p ... Read More

Background: Tuberculosis, among human bacterial infections is very important disease of modern world and disease has forensic importance. Extra pulmonary infection is also very commo ... Read More

Background: To assess the outcome of Medial Sural Artery Perforator Flap (MSAP Flap) as an option for the soft tissue reconstruction of head and neck and limbs. Methods:This descriptive case series wa ... Read More

Background: The objective of study was to determine the pre-anaesthetic status of intracranial pressure (ICP), using ultrasonographic measurement of optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) ... Read More

Global Burden of Disease is calculated taking into an account of all the major surveys, hospital records, registries data etc., and this has been highly beneficial in pursui ... Read More

38-year-old African American male patient presented to the emergency department with complaints of shortness of breath for 1 hour.The patient was a crack cocaine addict.His physical examina ... Read More

We read the article "neurological recovery in traumatic spinal cord injuries after surgical intervention" by Mohammad Naeem Ur Razaq and colleagues with Interest.1 They have sh ... Read More

Weread with interest the article by Wahidet al. about the frequency of the m.3243A>G and m.3316G>A variants in 25 patients with type-1 diabetesrequiring insulin (T1DM) and 25 patients with ... Read More

Gossypiboma is a rare surgical complication associated with significant patient morbidity and even mortality. Migratory gossypiboma is a rarer subset of these cases, representing the erosion of surgi ... Read More

Gall stone ileus associated with cholecysto-duodenal fistula is a rare pathology. It most commonly presents in elderly females in 72–90% of cases. In such a case, a patient ... Read More

Postoperative diaphragmatic hernia (PDH) is an increasingly reported complication of esophageal cancer surgery. It occurs more frequently with minimally invasive techniques and very little ... Read More

Chondroblastoma is an uncommon and benign bone tumour. No more than 10 casesof lumbar chondroblastoma have been reported in the past 20 years.To describe the clinical presentations and radio ... Read More

A 45-year-old diabetic male who was a farmer by profession, presented to Khyber Teaching Hospital with swelling and redness on the right side of the chest at the level of 8th rib for the ... Read More

Angioedema is a life-threatening reaction characterized by swelling of the face, lips, tongue or larynx. Known adverse effects of Pitavastatin do not include angioedema. We report first cas ... Read More

Ramadan, the ninth month of Islamic calendar brings alongwith it a sense of responsibility to fast among the Muslim adult population. Though patients with chronic illnesses like Diabetes mellitus are ... Read More

Background: This study was conducted toevaluate the effect of Vitamin C on Monosodium Glutamate induced histopathological changes in oviduct of adult female Sprague Dawley rats.The duration of study w ... Read More

Background: Ethics is a part of subject philosophy and gained importance in research after the Nuremberg Code that led to Helsinki’s Declaration on research ethics. In most developed count ... Read More

Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death worldwide, and coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most prevalent manifestation associated with high mortality and mo ... Read More

Background:10–15% of trauma patienthas chest injuries.Thereis a paradigm shift in the last two decades towards rib fixation from conservative management. Rib fixation results in immediate pain reduct ... Read More

Background: Obstructive jaundice due to malignancies of the biliary tree, gall bladder and pancreas account for a significant number of patients managed by tertiary centres. Man ... Read More

Background:Brucellosis is one of the prevalent zoonotic diseasesworldwide. It not only adds to the global burden of disease but also has huge economic impact. Clinical features of human ... Read More

Background:Different studies have been conducted in which defects of Ni-Ti files were reported after multiple usages but limited datais available regarding thedefects inthe rotary Ni-Ti files subjecte ... Read More

Background: Delay in the diagnosis of carcinoma breast has important prognostic, clinical and medico-legal implications. This study assesses the frequency and causes of patient delay in women with bre ... Read More

Background:Medication non-adherence after acute myocardial infarctionis a global problem causing increased morbidity and mortality. This multifaceted problem has not been well studied in our part of t ... Read More

Background:Children commonly present to outpatient department with foreign bodies in the nose. Sometimes the history is straightforward but not infrequently presentation is with a foul-sme ... Read More

Background: Hand is unique for the dexterity of its function and flexor tendons have most important function in hand. Its injury is a challenging treatment. Purposeof this study is to compare the succ ... Read More

Background:Needs assessment helps in situation analysis and setting priorities for establishing a faculty development program to ensure quality improvement in education. The objective of th ... Read More

Background: Multi-vessel disease is associated with higher mortality rates in ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) patients, which may further alter clinical course and decisi ... Read More

Background: Childhood Tuberculosis remains one of the major public health concernsin developing countries like Pakistan and is responsible for high rates of morbidity and mortality in childre ... Read More

Background: Alveolar osteitis is a frequentpostoperative complication of third molar surgery. A number of preventive methods have been tried. Chlorhexidine is most widely used antiseptic whic ... Read More

Background:Myelomeningocele is a congenital anomaly of Central Nervous System (CNS) leading to serious sequels related to various systems and organs of the affected patient. Hydrocephalus ... Read More

Background: Among all the abdominal cancers, pancreatic cancer is the second most common one. Majority of the patients present with an excruciating pain when they are diagnosed with the dis ... Read More

Background: Nasal continuous positive pressure has been used for management of respiratory distress in neonates in various conditions as a primary modality. Objective of the study is t ... Read More

Background:External apical root resorption (EARR) is one of the detrimental outcomes of an orthodontic treatment. The study was aimed to compare the mean EARR between endodontically treated and it ... Read More

Background: This study was conducted to evaluate the safety of accelerated corneal collagen crosslinking (CXL) in keratoconus patients on basis of endothelial cell density measurements.Methods: We s ... Read More

Background:Intracranial hypertension is not an uncommon life-threatening syndrome, caused by a variety of non-neurological and neurological illnesses, and quick diagnosis, timelytreatment of Raised I ... Read More

Tuberculosis has been known to humans since time immemorial.1 The earliest written records of tuberculosis originate from India and China, dating as far back as 3300 years and 2300 ye ... Read More