It has been emphasized by researchers that sports and physical activities has a positive relation with the academic success in term of Grade Point Average, educational and professional dreams and attainment. This study was conducted in the Public and private schools of Quetta. Both male and female students studying in these schools were taken as a population. A questionnaire was used to record the responses of the respondents. These responses were analyzed to measure the impact of sports participation on students’ academic performance. It was measured that majority of respondents that is 49 (42.2%) strongly agreed on sports involvement has a connection with academic's achievements. The finding of current study indicated that the students who take part in sports get good grades in schools as compare to the students who are not participating in sports. The results of the study are consistent with findings of other researchers that there is strong bonding of sports participation with the students strong psychological and emotional functioning. It has been argued that sports participation develops the students mentally and improves grade point average and test scores. It will be significant for the policy makers, curriculum developers and school management to ameliorate the students’ sports participation for securing good academic performance.

Farah Deeba, Nadia Ali. (2019) A Study of the Association Between Students Sports Participation and Academic Performance at Secondary Level, Pakistan Studies, Volume 10, Issue 2.
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