old relations, characterized by common historical, cultural, economic affinities and spiritual links”. After independence of Pakistan these ties were further strengthened. However, the Islamic Revolution in Iran (1979) and the Soviet-Afghan war (1979-89) were two watershed developments that defined the renewed geostrategic positions of Pakistan and Iran in the emerging regional and global political and strategic alliances. However, since 2001, when Pakistan became a frontline ally in the U.S.-led coalition and war against the Taliban in Afghanistan, the two states have successfully managed to maintain relatively normal relations, despite some persisting irritants at the bilateral and regional levels. During the recent few-years both the countries have come closer to each other and are cooperating in the industrial, energy, cultural and economic sectors. Both the countries have the potential to cater for the demands of each other and trade in the products which are being imported from rest of the world.

Muhammad Maqbool Khan, Muhammad Aslam Waseem, Yousaf Rodini. (2019) Pakistan-Iran Relations: Prospects for Trade, Pakistan Studies, Volume 10, Issue 2.
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