Wisdom in the poetry of Tarfa bin Alabd

In the works of literature, prose and poetry carry a great import as they reveal the beauty of language. Though both of these genres of literature stand prominent in Arabic, their attraction is felt greater in poetry. The Arabs classify the literature in verses into the following categories: the era of ignorance (العصرالجاهلی ,(makhdaram (مخضرم ,(the early period of Islam (صدراسلام ,( the Umayyad period (الاموی عصر ,(the Abbasid period and the later ages. Muallaqat (معلقات ,(collections of pre-Islamic Arabic odes, composed in the era of ignorance (العصرالجاھلی ,(are widely admired on account of their skilful use of language. The poets who composed muallaqat are regarded so high that they are considered the heroes of Arabic language. Tarafa bin al-Abd is among the poets who composed a muallaqa. Some critics regard him to be the best of the pre-Islamic poets, if not the greatest Arab one. Pastoral poetry is celebrated in English and other languages but its scope is much wider in Arabic when we consider its different kinds: ode simile (تشبیب ,(nasib (نسیب ,(hamasa, tafakhur (تفاخر (and hikma (حکمۃ .(Tarafa bin al-Abd (العبد بن طرفۃ (composed his poems in all these branches of pastoral poetry. The present research paper deals with poetry on wisdom, and we should not lose the sight of wisdom handed down by the poets of pagan times. On this score the Prophet of Islam (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Wisdom is the lost camel of a believer.” In the light of this Prophetic adage, the following pages of this article throw light on the wisdom-laden thoughts of Tarafa bin al-Abd.

د. مسعود احمد مجاهد. (2018) الحكمة في شعر طرفة بن العبد, Majallah Al-Qism Al-Arabi, Volume 25, Issue 1.
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