Wisdom is generally considered as "an ability of the highest degree of precision to perform some certain action under a given circumstance". The holy prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, "Wisdom is the lost asset of a believer, get it from wherever you find it." (Tirmizi: 2827) The present study indicates a comparison between wisdom in the poetry of Ibn-e-Faridh (an Egyptian poet) and that of Hazrat Baba Fareed (a Pakistani Punjabi poet). The study shows that their poems are replete with capsules of wisdom. The study also shows that the poetry of Hazrat Baba Fareed has played a very significant role in preaching and spreading Islamic teachings. The study shows clearly that in spite of linguistic and regional differences both the poets share the same bent of mind with regard to wisdom. There are so many common features in the poetry of both poets though there are some differences too

q^‰ ‚Ûu] ‚nÉ ÀÊ^u. (2018) Wisdom in the poetry of Ibn al-Faridh and Sheikh Farid al-Din Masood Ganj shaker (comparative study), Majallah Al-Qism Al-Arabi, Volume 25, Issue 1.
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