Infrastructure has a vital role in economic development of a country. Agriculture being the vital sector for the economic development of a country requires its infrastructure development enabling it to contribute its role for the purpose. This initiative is particularly important in case of KP (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa), where rural areas constitute more than 70 percent of the total population and depend upon agriculture sector. The present study was therefore carried out to assess the infrastructure of agriculture sector in KP enabling the concerned development specialist to devise development initiative for strengthening the role of agriculture sector in the economy of the KP. The study was qualitative in nature and thirty farmers were interviewed using Merriam’s (1998) procedure of general qualitative and characterization procedure wherein themes and categories were identified and recorded. Verbatim remarks of the farmers were indicated through quotations within each theme while pseudonyms were the indicators to denote the farmers. Results of the study revealed specific themes from the farmer’s interviews depicting the impacts of infrastructure had on farmer’s facilitation and services role. These themes include: (a) problems in farm to market roads, (b) issues in availability of water for irrigation, (c) seed, fertilizers and pesticides provision in villages, (d) availability of vegetables processing and packing facility and (e) government or private advisory service for farmers. Based on the results it is suggested that there are some common areas which require initiative to be taken by the development professionals for comprehensive assessment and development of infrastructure in respective areas of agriculture sector for subsequent enhancement of productivity in agriculture sector complementing its role in economic development.

Gohar Saeed, Muhammad Bakhsh. (2016) The Infrastructure Assesment Process for Development Initiative: A Case of Agriculture Sector of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa, Pakistan, Journal of Rural Development & Administration, Volume 47, Issue 1.
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