'Spare the rod and spoil the child' ha$ been. a philosophy, of child rearing strongly hcid by both professionals and laymen. Kennedy (1995) reported that both parents and teachers use corporal punishment fur the purpose of discipline It has been reflected from many studies that corporal punishment has been still being used at home as well as educational institutions_ A heavy majority of 83% parents were reported spanking. their children (Cryan, l987)., and 75% of teachers were in favor to using corporal punishment in classroom if needed (Brown & Payne, 1988), Corporal punishment is an intentional infliction of physical pain subsequent to misconduct for the purpose of deferring future misconduct. it involves pinching, paddling (with or without an instrument), strapping, slapping, pushing, v.-milling bolds, ear pulliug, cracking ringers with ruler, arm twisting and shaking, Despite large scale condemnation, it hay been practiced in schools of many countries legally. such as United States, Pakistan, Singapore, United Kingdom, India, Bangladesh, Australia, and many, others (Kennedy, 1995; Essex, 1989; Rose, 1989; Cryan, l987,: Freeman, 1966), Countries like Japan, Canada, France, Israel, Sweden, Denmark, Nonvay, Poland, Luxembourg, Holland, Austria, Finland, Belgium, Philippine, Portugal and all the communist Block have abolished such punishment long ago (Avvender and Plautus, 1983).

Dr. Mahr Muhammad Saeed Akhtar . (2000) DILEMA OF CORPORAL PUNISHMENT AND 21st CENTURY, Journal of Research ( Humanities), Vol XXXIV, Issue 1 .
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