The silent but didactic imagery of .Indian art is invested with meaning that served to propagate its.religious ideals. The images of Buddhist Deities are highly idealized, with stylized stances and hand gestures or mudrasc which are of specific mystical significance. Given the familiarity of the symbolism and hand -gestures, Buddhist art .has been fully understood, hence better appreciated. These madras are a salient feature of Hindu art and dance,- as well. When A.R. Chughtai, a South Asian Artist, of the 20th century, chose to establish his native identity with the. East, he too employed some of these mudras in his art. He also created new symbbls and visual-metaphors to translate new themes and .concepts for his paintings. This paper decodes a Chughtai maim, that forms the focal point of his. illustration, TheSlave Girl

Safia Rahim Farooq. (2001) Decodificatiori of a Chughtai Mudra , Journal of Research ( Humanities), VOl XXXV, Issue 2 .
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