Magirassa is a, community funded indigenous institution traditionally meant for catering to the needs of religious socialization. However, for the last thirty years, it has expanded its social role and political clout, Though it is performing a useful job by providing free food and education to poor students, yet it is accused of indoctrinating narrow' religious world-view and ignoring practically relevant scientific education. Hence. Madras 1) promotes culture of religious intolerance and 2) impairs the capacity of its students by restricting their exposure to outdated theological education. Resultantly, students cannot compete for mainstream jobs and are easily lured by militant and sectarian organizations. The basic assumption is that Madrass-as were promoted by the dictatorial regimes for gaining political legitimacy and to achieve specific strategic interests. Hence, both dictators and fundamentalists have been harboring each other to prolong their survival and thereby putting the democratic institutions at stake. At the same time,

Muhammad Zakria Zakar. (2003) Madrassa, Militancy and Politics in Pakistan, Journal of Research ( Humanities), Vol XXXVIII, Issue 1.
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