This article throws light on issues relating to imagery. Imagery in poetry creates similar snapshot in a readers mind. Poets use imagery to draw readers into a sensory experience. Image will often provide us with mental snapshots that apeal to our senses of sight, sound, taste, touch and smell. Munir Niazi is a modern romantic Punjabi and Urdu Poet. He used a new mode of imagery in his poetry. His poetry present the scenes of fear and suspension. He used animals, Ghosts and other fearful images in his poetry to criticised the cultural society of people. He present this era boldly through his imagery. He also used the image of fearful voices. He is the poet of today. His poetry present dramatic scenes. He also raise voice against political institutions through the use of image in his poetry.

Raheela Ambreen. (2019) منیر نیازی دی شاعری علامت نگاری , Parakh, Volume 4, Issue 1, 7th Edition .
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