According to one study, the total number of living or spoken languages in the world today is 6809 and some of the languages seem to be in danger of their existence. All the Indo-Aryan languages and Punjabi have their own importance. There are some universities of Pakistan which feel the importance of Pakistani languages and they start the different departments of Pakistani Languages. Not only are the programs being offered at different levels of Pakistani languages, but the papers are being offered in mostly Indo-Aryan languages as well as PhD level thesis. Those who speak the language are proof of their language development. We feel proud of them. It is true that all the other Indo-Aryan languages, along with the Punjabi language, are being developed and promoted in their literature. No nation can progress for a long time until the mother language does not progress. In this article, the development and progress of the Indo-Aryan languages is highlighted and it is emphasized that the national solidarity can obtain through the progress of Punjabi and Indo-Aryan languages.

Abdul Rauf. (2019) پنجابی تے ہند آریائی زباناں دی ترقی راہیں قومی یکجہتی دا حصول , Parakh, Volume 4, Issue 1, 7th Edition .
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