Dialogue basically relates to conversation or discussion. In Punjabi Gosht and Samvaad are proper words for Dialogue and in Urdu we call it Mukalma. On conceptual level there is a minor difference between Gosht and Samvaad. Where Gosht can happen only between two or more persons, Samvaad can happen with self too. So in practical life Gosht and Samvaad both can happen in same time and space. They can be used synonymously. On conceptual levels Dialogue is quite critical and It has been remained a genre of philosophy for so long. Most of the earlier debates and discussions interacted through Dialogue. Goshts happens so one can attain the truth. In Dialogue it is necessary for all the participants to regard and respect each other, respect each other’s viewpoint, opinion and knowledge. No one should remain stick to one’s ideology but everyone has to submit their selves in the search of but truth. In Dialogue the ideas are exchanged and they can be of any discipline, but mostly they are religious or political of its kind. And it is construction of Gosht or Dialogue that take the participants to an agreement. There is no single ancient text which has no clues of Dialogue, whether it is related to any faith or philosophy. But Before Guru Nanak Sahib no one experienced or projected this genre of Inter- Faith Dialogue. Guru Nanak Sahib went to different places to have a Dialogue with Sidhas and many more to teach his true message. But our study of concentration would be Guru Nanak Sahib and his Bani Sidha Gosht. I am quite convinced that this method of true Punjabi spirit can reach us to fruitful achievements, when there are people and nations searching for peace in International relations.

Perminder Singh. (2019) ਗੋਸਟਿ ਰਵਾਇਤ ਅਤੇ ਗੁਰੂ ਨਾਨਕ ਸਾਹਿਬ, Parakh, Volume 4, Issue 1, 7th Edition .
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