Post modernism is neither system nor theory but it is an era, based on
new scientific inventions and globalization. Post modernism comes from its
rejection of Modern scientific mentality of objectivity and progress associated
with enlightenment. One of the main characteristics of postmodern thinking is
that the world is seen as much more complex and uncertain place. The Interest
in post modernity that has stagnated over the past decade has come to be replaced by a concern with globalization.
Postmodernism and globalization are two sides of the same coin. It is
a concept created by USA after fall of USSR. The concept of Globalization was
clear in Marxism that scientific high speed technology will create scientific
ethos that would be alternate for postmodernism.
The term "Postmodern” begins to make sense if you understand what
"Modernism" refers to. In this case, "Modernism" usually refers to NeoClassical, Enlightenment assumptions concerning the role reason, or rationality, or scientific reasoning, play in guiding our understanding of the human
condition and, in extreme cases of postmodern theory, nature itself. Postmodernism basically challenges those basic assumptions. The initiative indications
start about postmodernism when Ferdinand de Saussure said that word has no
meaning. Meaning is assumed by certain type of culture and environment; we
are only signifier and signified can be understood by binary oppositions.
This theory is called structuralism. In the last of 20th century Jacques Derrida
announced post structuralism theory that signified, can not be understood by
binary positions because there are many concepts attached with a single word.
So meaning is only assumption. The word and world has no actual meaning.
The second indication was modern scientific theory of Relativity of
Einstein that deep down the universe is random; there is no absolute formula
about universe. There is no perfect answer of any question it may be “yes” or
may be “no”.
Prof. Dr. Ghafoor Memon , Dr. Sajida Parveen. (2020) Post Modernism and Mysticism (In the light of Shah Lateef’s Poetry), Kalachi, Volume 23, Issue 1.
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