The present article illustrates the philosophy of MARD-E-KAMIL in the tale "SAIF-UL-MULOOK" written by the great Punjabi Sufi Poet Mian Muhammad Bakhsh. Mian Muhammad Bakhsh was master of the language and a poet with perfection. The tale "SAIF-UL-MULOOK" is written in the form of MASNAVI, in which Divine Love is described through Mundane Love. The character of Prince "SAIF-UL-MULOOK" is an example of MARD-E-KAMIL who l ibe rat e s the f a i ry BADEE-UL-JAMAL from the prison of a monster. In this tale, the fairy is a symbol of Divine Love while the monster is a symbol of carnal desires. Mian Muhammad Bakhsh has described the qualities that a MARD-E-KAMIL should possess to achieve the Divine Love.

Inam ur Rehman Safdar. (2018) میاں محمد بخش دی سیف الملوک وچ تصوف, Parakh, Volume 3, Issue 1, 5th Edition.
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