Metaphysical questions are very difficult; history shows that series
of philosophers tried to understand those questions and suggested solutions.
Science also systematically strives to solve the questions. But, scientists end up
with complicating the questions rather than simplifying them. The theory of
time and space of Einstein makes it terrible, because people are made to believe that they cannot get out of this particular cage of time and space. Man is
compelled to live in this world; it means that man is incapable to understand
the universe beyond matter. Is there any thing without matter? Religion base
theory is that there is energy which is omnipotent and omnipresent. This world
is temporary, man is mortal, and he/she would be judged at the end of the
show-time. Mysticism also tries to understand metaphysics. Sufis say that the
whole universe is one; which is: God. The material world is manifestation of
God. This solution is also a theory not formula; so the problem about metaphysics is still a question. Shah Latif was a mystical poet, who followed religious point of view about God. But, he has a different theory to offer about life.
It is the existentialist point of view: humans have to face their existence; then
they have to prove their essence of life. Research shows that life in the opinion
of Shah is “struggle” without any expectation. Death is mysterious, relentless
and unavoidable. Humans convert their terror of death into: creation, love
and, struggle. However, this is not the solution of the question of life. When
man becomes more aware and more conscious, life appears even more like an
unsolved problem. Hence, spiritual practice or meditation is the only way to
motivate oneself inside-out.
Dr. Ghafoor Memon, Dr. Naheed Abrar. (2010) Concept of Shah Latif: From Metaphysics to Sufism, Kalachi, Volume 13, Issue 1.
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