This research paper is divided into two parts: First part is based on the discussion about love and second part deals with the concept of love in the poetry of Ustad Bukhari.Ustad Bukhari is a lege ... Read More

Rebellion is a strong element in the poetry of women writers. When women see all situations and circumstances with their own eyes, they express their feelings against traditions. Sindh is a Patriarc ... Read More

The features of Sindhi language, syntax and grammar are unique, which makes Sindhi language more vivid and clear in attaining a dignified place in modern languages of the world . The sole aim and ob ... Read More

Postmodernist thought is an intentional departure from modernist approaches that had previously been dominant. The term "Postmodernism" comes from its rejection of "Modern " scientific mentality of ... Read More

The writer has expressed the difference of opinion on MYSTICISM and ‘tasavvuf’. According to him they are two different terms. Similarly literary persons have termed Pantheism, meaning omnipresence, ... Read More

Founder of Modern Psychology, Sigmund Freud paved the way to criticise the theories in literature. He put forth his theories and different characters of William Shakespeare, as the object of the ps ... Read More

Millions of years ago, people used to do all kinds of works by their own hands. When we go through history, we find that machines are quite recent invention. People used to make fiber/ thread and t ... Read More

Every man has a conscience that makes him cautious of sin and goodness, but man is so ignorant that he never pays heed to conscience. If he remains cautious to his inner urge and does accordingly, ... Read More

An immortal Crown Poet Shah Abdul Latif of Sindh has paid a high regard to woman for her fidelity, sincerity, patriotism and adherence to social values etc. He has described ideal women in his po ... Read More

Assimilation gives the knowledge of words about their pronunciation and dictation. It is used in words to alter their sound in pronunciation, for example: amb انب ,gumbaz گنبذ etc. In these words the ... Read More

Every language has various dialects and sub dialects. Sindhi language consists of different kinds of dialects and sub dialects. “Kohistani” dialect is one of them. This research paper explores this ... Read More

Tariq Ashraf who lived for 52 years (1940-1992) but stirred the nerve of the people to come to rescue Sindh and Sindhi Language and literature. He himself belonged to Syed family and this family hom ... Read More

Ghazl being the origination of Arabic and Persian literature but Sindhi Poets separated and tinged it in pure indigenous state. Background: Till partition of the subcontinent Persian dominated Ghaz ... Read More

The present Arabic – Sindhi script was formed in July 1853 on the recommendations of the “Board of Directors, East India Company”, London. They directed Bombay Government, India, that “keeping in vi ... Read More

Shah Lateef minutely observed every aspect of Sindh by travelling across it. As a creative being, he observed each and every attribute and character of Sindh – living or nonliving, found in nature, m ... Read More

Makhdoom Mohammad Moin Thatvi had yearning to seek truth, beauty, goodness and spiritualism. He got it from heredity of both sides, maternal as well as paternal one. His grand-father Talib Allah an ... Read More

The current study is focused on to the introduction and evaluation of the Persian historical sources written during the British period in Sindh(1843- 1947). Very little research or investigation has ... Read More

Metaphysical questions are very difficult; history shows that series of philosophers tried to understand those questions and suggested solutions. Science also systematically strives to solve the que ... Read More