This study was carried out to develop a conversion disorder scale for children. Initially a list of 31 items was compiled by reviewing the cases of conversion disorder in children reported in 4 years in clinical psychology unit of Government College University, Lahore, Pakistan. After empirical validation, a scale of 19 items was prepared. This scale was then administered on 107 participants (57 diagnosed conversion patients and 50 normal children). The age range was 9 to 16 years. For establishing psychometric properties of the scale factor analysis, empirical validity, discriminant validity, item total correlations, Cronbach alpha, sensitivity and specificity analysis was carried out. Factor analysis revealed three factors namely, feeling of disability (α = 0.73), body pain (α = 0.67) and seizures (α = 0.78). The Cronbach alpha value of conversion disorder scale was 0.80. The discriminant validity of the scale was found to be significant. Sensitivity and Specificity criteria proved the scale to be a good predictor of conversion disorder in children. Conversion disorder scale is thus a reliable and valid tool for screening of conversion disorder in children.

Naeema Sarfraz, Tazvin Ijaz. (2014) Development of Conversion Disorder Scale for Children, Journal of Behavioural Sciences, Volume 24, Issue 1.
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