This study aims to understand the psychological factors, such as psychological attachment to place, underlying the migration desires of these highly educated individuals. A sample of 174 adults was ... Read More

The study was conducted to explore consumers’ shopping styles in reference of personality dimensions. The sample consisted of 200 individuals (100 men and 100 women) with age range of 20–55 years. ... Read More

Renal transplantation is the best treatment option for patients with kidney failure that restores health close to normal levels of functioning. Most published studies focused on clinical issues post ... Read More

The present study aimed at discerning the relationship between conflict management and decision making styles in the college principals. The sample of the study comprised 100 principals of private a ... Read More

The present research purported to study job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intentions in association with perceived organizational politics. Sample consisted of 353 teachers se ... Read More

Assessment of perceived inter-parental conflict and parental rejection is an important area of research related to personality maladjustment. The present research explored relationship between perce ... Read More

The current inquiry examined the effect of decision making styles on individual and organizational outcomes among employees of service providing organizations. The study was based on cross-sectional ... Read More

A longitudinal study was carried out to investigate the contribution of clinical factors in influencing satisfaction with Quality of Life (QoL) after renal transplantation. Renal transplant recipien ... Read More

The Present research was conducted with the purpose to examine the relationship between self-esteem, collective self-esteem and depression. Another objective was to study the contribution of self-es ... Read More

This study aimed to identify factors that affect body self-image satisfaction and negative mood among adolescent girls. Positive and Negative Affect Schedule, Self Esteem Scale, Body Image Satisfact ... Read More

This study was carried out to develop a conversion disorder scale for children. Initially a list of 31 items was compiled by reviewing the cases of conversion disorder in children reported in 4 year ... Read More

This research intended to investigate the role of personality and spirituality in nonviolent behavior of students (N = 210; men = 105 & women = 105) enrolled in universities, between age of 18 and 2 ... Read More

Trait Emotional Intelligence combines emotion-related self-perceptions and dispositions. Based on the assumption that EI is positively associated with positive outcomes, the present study was aimed ... Read More

The study was primarily concerned with the development of norms of adapted VCI subtests (Ambreen & Kamal, 2011) of WISC-IV UK (Wechsler, 2003) for Pakistani children. Normative sample comprised of ... Read More

Primary focus of the study was to translate and cross validate the Parentchild relationship scale (PCRS) into Urdu language, to be used with Pakistani Youth. The process was conducted in two studies. ... Read More

The present study aimed to examine the relationship of parental mental health with children’s behavioral problems and role of social support and resilience as moderating factors. The sample comprise ... Read More

This study serves an empirical gap by providing new statistical evidence in an old debate. The focus of study is to explore mediating role of job satisfaction between employee’s motivation and norma ... Read More