The present research aims to examine the role of big five
personality types in the prediction of decision making styles
among university students. Mini-Marker Personality Inventory
(McCrae & Costa, 1990) and General Decision Making Styles
Questionnaire (Scott & Bruce, 1995) were used for data
collection. The sample comprised of 300 university students.
Multiple Regression analysis (Enter Method) was applied to
analyze the data. Extroversion positively predicted intuitive and
spontaneous decision making style. Openness to experience
positively predicted intuitive decision making style.
Agreeableness positively predicted dependent decision making
style. Conscientiousness positively predicted rational decision
making style. Neuroticism positively predicted avoidant decision
making style. The current research provides an insight in the role
of personality in decision making. The present research extends
the past research limited to two personality traits (Nygren &
White, 2005) based on the big-five trait theory of McCrae and
Costa (1990) and suggests the theoretical and practical
implications of personality-decision associations in a collectivist
Muhammad Naveed Riaz, Muhammad Akram Riaz, Naila Batool. (2012) Personality Types as Predictors of Decision Making Styles, Journal of Behavioural Sciences, Volume 22, Issue 2.
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