Future plans and psychological differences between Traditional and Nontraditional college women and men were compared in order to determine if women could be considered a heterogeneous group and wh ... Read More

The present study aimed to examine the relationship between transformational leadership facets and innovative work behavior among employees in educational institutions. Multifactor Leadership Quest ... Read More

This research intended to explore the relationship of sociallyprescribed perfectionism, self-oriented perfectionism and loneliness with students’ life satisfaction. The sample comprised of 143 male ... Read More

In the present study, role of perceived parenting styles and familial factors in prediction of childhood behavior problems has been studied. Sample included children of 3 to 5 grades (N = 635) betw ... Read More

The present study investigate the leadership styles and their potential influence on individual decision making styles in banking sector of Pakistan along with the role of emotional intelligence in ... Read More

The present research investigated the relationship between emotional distress and coping strategies in university students after the death of their parental figure. It was hypothesized that there is ... Read More

The present study was aimed at investigating the personality traits and family size as the predictor of alexithymia. In addition, gender differences in alexithymia were also the focus of interest. T ... Read More

Ravens Progressive Matrices has been widely used as a measure of non-verbal cognitive ability (Flouri, Hickey, Mavroveli, & Hurry, 2010; Munaf, Ghaus-ur-Rehman, 1996; Rafnsson, Deary, Smith, Whitem ... Read More

The present study aimed to translate and adapt State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI (Spielberger, Gorsuch, & Lushene, 1970) in Urdu. STAI was translated using the MAPI (MAPI Research Institute) guid ... Read More

The objective of this paper is to explore the relationship between work-family conflict and work-family enrichment. Work-family interface has two primary experiences: work-family conflict and work- ... Read More

The study investigated job characteristics as predictors of employees’ work motivation and job satisfaction. The study made use of convenience sampling in selecting 366 employees (183 men and 183 w ... Read More

Many previous studies have reported that smoking behavior is associated with a number of psychological variables. The present study examined whether smoking behavior of Bangladeshi adults can be pr ... Read More

The present study was designed to explore task-specific occupational self-efficacy and occupational aspirations of arts and science students on Task-Specific Occupational SelfEfficacy Scale (Osipow ... Read More

The present study aimed to investigate if depression increases with time post transplant. The study was carried out on 146 renal transplant recipients with a mean age of 33.96, post transplant peri ... Read More

The current study investigated gender differences in perceived father rejection in childhood and psychological adjustment in adulthood. It was hypothesized that: there would be gender differences i ... Read More

Autism is the most common developmental disorder but also the least understood. It is characterized by communication and interpersonal deficits, ritualistic behavior and difficulty in emotional exp ... Read More

The present research aims to examine the role of big five personality types in the prediction of decision making styles among university students. Mini-Marker Personality Inventory (McCrae & Costa, ... Read More

The present study examined relationship of father acceptancerejection and involvement with socio-emotional adjustment of adolescents in Pakistan. The sample constituted 100 adolescents with equal nu ... Read More

Present research investigated the relationship between parental acceptance-rejection and social adjustment in congenitally amputee children. Equal number of boys and girls (N=40, ages 9-13 years) w ... Read More

This study assessed the relationship of the patterns of parental acceptance-rejection and paternal authoritarianism with child abuse and neglect with in Pakistani families. The degree and type of a ... Read More

The present study aimed to investigate the impact of parental acceptance-rejection on psychological adjustment and selfconcepts of special children. The sample included 60 children and youth with ph ... Read More

The present study aimed to identify relationship between perceived parenting style, perceived parental acceptancerejection (PAR) and perception of God among young adults. Participants were young mal ... Read More

The current study investigated gender differences in perceived father rejection in childhood and psychological adjustment in adulthood. It was hypothesized that: there would be gender differences i ... Read More

This study examined relationship between depression and paternal and maternal acceptance rejection in children and adolescents. The gender equated participants were 60 children and adolescents, liv ... Read More

Present research investigated parental rejection and comorbid disorders in adolescents with somatization disorder. It was hypothesized that adolescents with somatization disorder are likely to repo ... Read More