The present study was designed to explore task-specific
occupational self-efficacy and occupational aspirations of arts
and science students on Task-Specific Occupational SelfEfficacy Scale (Osipow & Rooney, 1990) and Occupational
Aspirations Scale (Aziz & Kamal, 2009). The sample consisted
of 200 students studying in F.A/F.Sc (100 Arts and 100 Science).
Significant difference was observed in self-efficacy of arts and
science students in verbal, interpersonal, quantitative, business,
scientific, and physical skill. Mean scores and ranking of
occupational aspirations of arts and science students showed that
armed forces, psychologist, businessman, computer personnel,
and civil/foreign service were most aspired occupations by arts
students, whereas science students aspired for occupation of
scientist, engineer, armed forces, computer personnel, and pilot.
Implications for future research and recommendations for
counseling to enhance the academic performance of students are
outlined. Moreover, the applications of the TSOSS and OAS to
investigate the real potentials and success in certain professions
are discussed for the quality enhancement of personal-social
Saadia Aziz, Anila Kamal. (2012) Task-Specific Occupational Self-Efficacy and Occupational Aspirations of Arts and Science Students, Journal of Behavioural Sciences, Volume 22, Issue 2.
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