This study aimed to investigate the relationship
between excessive computer use and its impact on
psychosocial functioning of high school students. The
participants included 300 school students of grades 6
– 9 and were taken from public and private schools of
Lahore city. Their ages ranged from 11- to-14 years
(M=12.5, SD=1.42). The data was collected using a
self constructed Computer-Related Addictive
Behaviors Questionnaire that probes issues about the
computer use, computer-induced behavioral alterations
and symptoms. CRAB (1990) contained two sections,
i.e. first section aims at analyzing the extent of
computer use while the second section assesses the
symptoms that are produced due to the excessive use
of computer. Based upon the cut off scores of section I
of CRAB, the participants were divided into three
groups of users: minimal users 20–39 (65 students,
19.5 %), moderate users 40–59 (130 students, 43.3%)
and excessive users 60–100 (105 students, 38.2 %).
The findings indicated that computer-induced
behavioral alterations occurred most frequently in
excessive computer users and it was significantly
correlated with total CRAB scores section II that
measured subjective psychological complaints.
Shazia Khalid, Asheen Masood . (2008) Psychosocial Correlates of Excessive Computer Use among Pakistani Adolescents , Journal of Behavioural Sciences, Volume 18, Issue 1-2.
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