Allah Almighty has created man and also guided for him the way to which he will lead. This leading guidance has been substantiated in two categories: Quran and Hadith. Whereas Quran is the Divine word of Allah Almighty, hadithis the practical implemen-tation of the life of Holy Prophet SAW. The compilation of hadith has been started since the life of Holy Prophet SAW. Various companions of Holy Prophet SAW played their pivotal role to compile this sacred segment of Divine revelation. Among those companions: Hazrat Abu Hurairah R.A., Hazrat Ayesha, Hazrat Abdullah bin Umer, Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood R.A. are the prominent fiqures who compiled their own scriptures of Hadith. Like other companions of Holy Prophet SAW, This tradition continued among the descendants of Abdullah bin Umer R.A; Imam Zuhri and after him, his pupil, Imam Malik bin Anas. In the evolution of compilation of hadith, Imam Malik is one of the first compilers of hadith who compiled his book “Muwatta” This very book contains Musnad hadith,Fqhi Issues and the derived issues from these hadith(s) in abundance. Having the nearest era to the age of Holy Prophet and companions of Holy Prophet SAW, this very book is also titled as the authentic one. The present research paper will highlight various components of Muwatta in comprehensive way with detailed connotations.

Dr. Hafiz Masood Qasim, Dr. Abdul Ghaffar. (2021) Imam Malik's method of adopting the principle of hadith in Al-Mawtah, Rahat-ul-Quloob, Volume-05, Issue-1.
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