The objectives of this research study were to know about the challenges/ issues to government high schools in District Bajaur, which causes exclusion of students from learning environment. The nature of the study was quantitative and the data was collected through questionnaire in Tehsil Mamund. The study identified that students of the study area are facing some problems like shortage of classrooms, non-availability of furniture, lack of clean water, not well qualified teachers, elevated student-teacher ratios and in sufficient teaching resources that causes low quality education among students and frequently transmits little or no authentic learning. Moreover, nepotism, favoritism and bribes relation both in cash and kind badly affect the education system of the study area. From the research study it was concluded that rather than to bring harmony in society through education it brings dissonance and imbalances. In light of the study it is recommended to Government for giving a friendly attention to this historical big problem in locale in traditional as well as cultural context or giving golden handshake opportunities to the aged and low qualified teachers. The politician religious clergies and welfare organization are also requested to sensitize the people of the area for this holy purpose in friendly environment.

Dr. Ahmad Ali, Fazal Amin, Sunbal. (2020) Problems and Challenges Faced by Students at Government High Schools in District Bajaur, Research Journal of Social Sciences & Economics Review , Volume-01, Issue-1.
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