The conclusion section of the article is an essential part as it is the last chance and to conclude the article. But this very essential part of the article was usually considered a part of the Discus ... Read More

Income is considered as an important determinant of personal consumption. The choices of an individual are not only influenced by the external factors (income, prices, etc.) but the internal factors s ... Read More

Asia’s Cockpit, Afghanistan, is not only a strategic neigbour but also share intellectual, geographical, cultural, and diplomatic relations with Pakistan. Pakistan and Afghanistan’s long but porous bo ... Read More

Pakistan is among those very few multicultural and multilingual countries which are celebrated for their ethnic as well as linguistic diversity. From the coastal areas of Karachi to the mountainous te ... Read More

The purpose of this study was to investigate meritocracy in the selection of top positions in the federal government offices from the context of politics, bureaucracy, and selection policies. This res ... Read More

The current investigation was directed to analyze environmental education and practices in curriculum adopted in Pakistan, Turkey, and Canada at the primary level. For this purpose, General Science te ... Read More

Sports are assuming a significant part in deve1oping numerous ethical social, physica1, and cu1tura1 va1ues that they are significant for an individual to make him a productive member of society and h ... Read More

There are a huge global and local gender gap in inheritance property. Men hold most material and land resources in communities and families as compared to women. Ownership of inheritance property is o ... Read More

This paper intends to explore the “backlash“ impact of gender equality policies such as gender quotas in the shape of the resistance, provoked by male parliamentarians against their female colleague ... Read More

The US has played a significant role in the world particularly during the post-world War–II period. The changing role has been ascribed by some to the Trump administration while by others it has been ... Read More

The main objective of the current research was to explore the role of positive psychological functioning as a mediator in the relationship between self-compassion and job burnout. The sample consisted ... Read More

This study aims to analyze the flexibility of Elementary school children 14 to 16 years of age and compare both urban and rural children of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pakistan). The target population of this ... Read More

The core objective of the work was to investigate and reconnoiter globalization and its heinous impacts on modern society. Xenophobia and hostility towards migrants are some of the greatest issues fac ... Read More

This paper discusses the theme of alienation and female friendship in black women in Toni Morrison’s fiction. The female bonding is a possible way to deal with alienation which is caused by various fa ... Read More

The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of abusive supervision on employee creativity with the mediating effect of emotional exhaustion on the Research & Development sector in twin cities ... Read More

This study examines how the novels Miss Janie’s Girls and Sula discussed the family life, illness, fight against pandemics, and need for care during a time of combatting the disease. This study has mo ... Read More

This article presents the case of the British colonial rule and Second World War affecting secondary school curriculum developments in colonial Punjab. The focus rests on the description of those curr ... Read More

There are some stereotypical roles, characteristics, and traits associated with different genders. All genders are being linked with certain emotional states. In the context of the Pakistani scenario ... Read More

The main objective of the study was to investigate the perceptions of social studies teachers about the execution of civic education in government girls and boys schools at the primary level in Azad J ... Read More

The Instructional Design is a framework to integrate multimedia features in the curriculum to create a facilitated, interactive, and student-centered teaching-learning environment as the latest trends ... Read More

The study was conducted to examine the challenges of content coverage of chemistry textbooks in due time allocation in the National Curriculum and the students’ perception of the teaching practices of ... Read More

Learning to write is developmentally essential for nurturing literate children; its inability creates a huge barrier so is true for cochlear implanted students who face several challenges in terms of ... Read More

It is a common phenomenon that every case that is pursued by the advocate is due to the use of powerful language and explains, proves, give statements, and enlighten the matter in the most appropriate ... Read More

The main objective of the study was to investigate the perceptions of prospective teachers about the awareness of the implementation of national professional standards for teachers. The present study ... Read More

Pakistani media Advertising has gotten more compelling and persuasive in the field of Political correspondence. This research work elaborates the insight about political ads on the democratic expectat ... Read More

A new lingua franca, Urdubic, is emerging in the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf. Its linguistic composition is defined by the reduced and simplified forms of Arabic and Urdu. The paper examines li ... Read More

The concept of evil is foregrounded in most of the poems of Khan. This paper focuses on the theme of evil in its variant shapes that are foregrounded in Khan’s poetry. For this purpose, both the colle ... Read More

This theoretical paper aims to describe the complex nature of second language learning motivation, focusing on its types and history. Motivation is the process that accounts for a person's intensity, ... Read More

In this study, we propose classroom discourse as a dynamic activity whereby the discourse shifts from one mode to another within one social activity when students are involved to complete the task. Th ... Read More

High-return social information accumulation can encourage improved review, progressively comprehensive detailing, and improved inconstancy catch over a period. In spite of the fact that there are inst ... Read More

The current study tries to explore the link between the power structure and vulnerability to natural disasters like flash floods in Chitral, situated in the northwest of Pakistan. Flash floods are com ... Read More

Character building is one of the major aims of education and therefore must be integrated across all the aspects of the school curriculum. At the Secondary level compulsory subjects particularly Islam ... Read More

This research intended to examine and explore the effectiveness of teachers mentoring practice on the academic achievement of university students. This study is descriptive, in nature Objective of the ... Read More

The focal subject of the examination was to know the effect of a democratic coaching style with the certainty of the players to compete while playing matches. The competitors (20) from SALU, Khairpur, ... Read More

This paper deals with the critical exploration of Power in the Pashtun society depicted in Hamid Khan’s Badmash. The story was published in The Journal of the English Literary Club Department of Engli ... Read More

Tax avoidance in Pakistan is extremely high, prompting a weakening in the monetary circumstance and an absence of arrangement of open administrations. The report breaks down four factors of expense re ... Read More

The impact of training is always very valuable and positive on the performances of employees in every organization. The main objective of this study was to know the reaction of the college professors ... Read More

Research on burnout gained popularity in the 1970s but in the last three decades’ research about burnout gained immense popularity (Hedden, 2005, Harmesh, Laurenz, Maulana & Veen., 2018). Frudenberger ... Read More

Despite several interventions from the public, private and NGO sectors, the sustainability of education for working children has always been a challenge in Pakistan. Setting life goals is the first st ... Read More

This study has mainly focused on the various factors that influence the purchasing of organic food on young Pakistan consumers. This empirical examination has used the primary data that has been colle ... Read More

Halal refers to methods of producing goods & services in the manner allowed by Shariah or Islamic law, which invest besides food preparation and food products but also encompasses the production of ph ... Read More

The current research endeavored to find out the influence of English language learning on the Cultural Identity of Pakistani secondary school students. For purpose of investigation, 60 students of sec ... Read More

Palestinian literature received significance after Nakba (1948 Palestine-Israel war) and Naksa (1967 Arab-Israel war) and it laid an impact on Palestinian writers and there emerged a new form of liter ... Read More

The present study aims to investigate the role of knowledge management that contributes towards the effectiveness of teams and also to determine the behaviors of Employee performance and person Job fi ... Read More

Public Interest Litigation (PIL), a discretionary constitutional jurisdiction is, indeed, a constitutional mandate for preserving socio-economic and legal justice in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan ( ... Read More

Servant leadership has been deemed crucially relevant for organizational effectiveness and success; thus, significant emphasis is laid upon enhancing and sustaining favorable attitudes and behaviors o ... Read More

Critical Discourse Analysis views language in use as a kind of social practice, it is often applied to political language (discourse— text, talk, and/or visual), including public speeches. This paper ... Read More

The purpose of this study was to investigate the development of reflective practices of elementary school teachers through interactive workshops. This study used a collaborative action research design ... Read More

The current research aims to find the relationship between secure attachment style and self-esteem among latency adolescence. The assumptions developed for the study stated that a) secure attachment s ... Read More

Whatsapp statuses are an example of computer-mediated communication. The current qualitative and quantitative study aims to explore the ideology of Whatsapp users and highlight the differences among t ... Read More

The study investigates the association of employees’ internal locus of control, employees’ contextual and task performance. Survey questionnaires were gathered from middle-level managers from the bank ... Read More

The first and foremost essential task for any state is to secure its national security and integrity. This paper explores the fundamental essentials of national security such as territorial integrity, ... Read More

The biopolitical constructed neoliberal schema is a political economy that formalizes non-economic issues into economical monetarism. The biopolitics functions as an agent to govern the neoliberal res ... Read More

This study attempts to develop a comprehensive scale or instrument for measurement or evaluation of teachers’ non-verbal behavior based on a review of a range of relevant literature. The theoretical p ... Read More

The key objective of the current study was exploring the difficulties in learning English grammar rules in functional English classrooms at the public sector colleges, universities. The present resear ... Read More

The investigation aimed to analyze the endurance of 16-18-year College undergraduates and to make comparability between municipality and countryside undergraduates in district Nowshera. The accessible ... Read More

Poverty is a chronic problem in Pakistan. More than 25 percent of the population is still living below the poverty line. In Pakistan, rural poverty is more than urban poverty. More than 65 percent of ... Read More

The study was aimed to do the motif analysis of Oscar Wilde’s fairy tales as Wilde’s fairy tales got significant weightage in his life and he in fact wrote the fairy tales for his sons. Wilde’s fairy ... Read More

Due to the importance of dispositions, the National Accreditation Council for Teacher Education (NACTE) in Pakistan like many other countries of the world has included dispositions in its standards. N ... Read More

Effective science teaching methods can increase the learning process of learners. It facilitates both teachers and learners in creating an environment of learning. Therefore, the researchers tried to ... Read More

The purpose of the intellectual endeavor is to make analysis of the strength and power of 13-15-year-old Secondary school youngsters and to make comparison of city and non-city youngsters living in di ... Read More

The effect of the monetary emergency on wellbeing (N = 312) is analyzed. Intra-singular setoffs, slant and quadratic parameters catching pay patterns, abstract monetary position, and saw worry during ... Read More

The present study determines the impact of differentiated instructional strategy on motivation and performance of diverse learners at the secondary level in terms of socioeconomic backgrounds, abiliti ... Read More

Khushal Khan Khattak believed that the meaning of education is hidden in the training of individuals. He considers this training important for him from childhood to his death. Moreover, he feels fre ... Read More

This paper highlights the significance of formative assessment data in adjusting instructional techniques in the classroom that lead to improving students’ learning. The study was conducted in a quali ... Read More

There are many functions of Human Resource Management. Human Resource Development works under the supervision of HRM. HRD is a structure that helps the employees to get their skills, enhance their abi ... Read More

The study investigates how COVID-19 has transformed ESL learners' cognition due to the sudden shift from traditional classes to complete distant-virtual learning under the perpetual discourse of fear. ... Read More

The major purpose of the study was to measure the effect of scholarships on students’ social development at the university level. The study was descriptive, and the survey method was applied for the c ... Read More

Creative writing owns an important place in the education system. It enlightens creativity and boosts critical thinking among students. Therefore, it appears to be a ruling skill. Knowing that convent ... Read More

The pandemic of COVID-19 created great havoc in the whole world through its fast penetration. The virus, after hitting China, soon penetrated the world at a very fast pace. The pandemic crippled the e ... Read More

The main purpose of the study was to evaluate the role of English teachers in developing reading and writing skills at the elementary level. The study was descriptive, and the survey method was used f ... Read More

Grammar, although indispensable for successful communication, is always a dry subject for most learners and needs a high motivation for learning. Motivating language learners for learning grammar of ... Read More

This study, in the context of Pakistan, analyzes to which extent the financial integration and domestic investment are responsible for the phenomenal growth rate of Pakistan economy. The relationship ... Read More

The translation of a poetic work is difficult because it needs to transfer poetic strategies, rhyme, and rhythm, and complex themes. Therefore, the translation lacks many structural and thematic featu ... Read More

This study focuses on the relationship authentic leadership, employee mindfulness, and organizational intelligence in the backdrop of social exchange theory and complex system theory. The paper examin ... Read More

The education system in Pakistan, unfortunately, is facing several problems due to the existence of certain flaws in education, particularly in higher education. On the other hand, a country’s progres ... Read More

Individuals’ ethical sociability and communicational skills enjoy core importance in their societal and organizational functioning. Generally, a fear is felt regarding the students doing MA English, a ... Read More

Currently, Brexit is a reality. How much of an impact will Brexit have on the economy of Pakistan? We address this question by analyzing Pakistan’s most recent trade data. Since in the existing Europe ... Read More

The main purpose of our study is to find out the impact of financial socialization, cognitive ability, and self-efficacy on financial literacy and financial behavior of investors in Pakistan. This stu ... Read More

This research is focused on the case of gender depiction in textbooks of Punjab Textbook Board's Pakistan Studies and Urdu at Secondary and Higher Secondary School Level. A content analysis was done o ... Read More

The significance of movies in information dissemination and ideological creation through language is undeniable. This study aims to investigate how Hollywood movies and documentaries depict Muslims. S ... Read More

The current study is built on the idea that teachers’ classroom practices are influenced by their belief system. The research investigated the beliefs of teachers about the position of reading stratag ... Read More

Research related to access to higher education is often criticized for lacking a strong theoretical ground, arguing it is limited to seek information regarding the quality of infrastructure or teachin ... Read More

The study aimed to examine the influence of the organizational justice dimensions on the employees’ performance by analyzing views of faculty members from higher educational institutions of Khyber Pak ... Read More

Career selection is about the career choice of an individual which should be according to the skills and aptitude of that individual in combination with his/her interests. This research was conducted ... Read More

Field journalists in Pakistan who have covered violent conflicts especially in the wake of Karachi, Baluchistan, and former FATA conflicts have repeatedly staked their physical, emotional, and financi ... Read More

Due to numerous reasons, educating learners with disabilities is an uphill task in Pakistan. Low enrolment and high dropout ratio of such learners need the attention of all stakeholders. The study inq ... Read More

Performance Appraisal System (PAS) is the tool the education department of Pakistan uses to evaluate the performance of teachers. Survey research was conducted to determine the satisfaction level of p ... Read More

The management of human resources is indispensable for each organization, whether public or private including higher educational institutions. Concerning the management of human resources, there are c ... Read More

A conducive environment is a vital factor affecting the quality of the teaching-learning process of Government schools. This descriptive study aims to find out the existing role and plans of the schoo ... Read More

Women have been the “Second Sex” for far too long and there are parts of the world where the patriarchy still has the noose of suppression hanging around women’s necks. In India, women are treated lik ... Read More

The study aims to ascertain the relationship between the emotional intelligence of teachers and students’ motivation. The objectives of the study were to; investigate the emotional intelligence facult ... Read More

The leadership is an important phenomenon that is widely recognized and researched in the context of educational institutions. However, this role is more critical in higher educational context due to ... Read More

The job performance is vital phenomenon in the context of education sector as educational institutions might be able to obtain desired ranking only when the employees are motivated to show their best ... Read More

Performance management is a phenomenon of greater importance for all organizations including the institutions of higher education (HEIs) to attain their desired ranking in competitive situations. The ... Read More

Women empowerment is an important discourse among the academic circles, especially in the feminist debates. The economic independence of women remains under discussion too because it fuels their overa ... Read More

Throughout the world, the department of police has been established for enforcing the law, protecting the life and property of the people, and ensuring peace. Police play a vital role in maintaining l ... Read More

The passage of the 18th Amendment to Constitution of 1973 of Pakistan is a major constitutional development to strengthen local system of government in Pakistan. The amendment constituted one of the m ... Read More

This paper reports on a study that investigates the effect of activity-based learning on the listening skills of male and female students’ achievement. It also considers the differences in the achieve ... Read More

The lashkars have a very long history in the erstwhile Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan. These lashkars were usually constituted in a short span of time to respond quickly to any ... Read More

The objectives of this research study were to know about the challenges/ issues to government high schools in District Bajaur, which causes exclusion of students from learning environment. The natur ... Read More

Quality university education is the central aspiration of universities in the 21st century where different dimensions are explore as starting point including classroom learning environment. This cla ... Read More

This qualitative action research study aimed to examine teachers‟ perceptions about peer observation as an instrument for their Continuous Professional Development (CPD). For this purpose, the exper ... Read More

The present century has added a number of challenges to educational leaders: the growing competition, high community expectations, economic challenges and hyper connected ... Read More

The study aims to explore the authentic leadership attributes (ALA) and its impact on the followers’ authentic leadership development (FALD). The objectives of the study were to investigate authenti ... Read More

The present study aims to investigate the factors and forms of female child trafficking in Pakhtun society from the perspective of opinion of leaders and experts. It enlists some of the cultural fac ... Read More


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