This paper deals with the critical exploration of Power in the Pashtun society depicted in Hamid Khan’s Badmash. The story was published in The Journal of the English Literary Club Department of English, University of Peshawar, Pakistan, and session 1982-1983. The story portrays the realistic picture of the Pashtun society where there is the rule of the powerful. Those who commit crimes and murders can grab every lucrative opportunity. They get very influential. This badly affects the younger generation as they are negatively influenced. Hamid Khan has a critical eye on the evils prevailed in the society. The researchers used Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) as the tool for critical investigation of the selected lines, passages, or excerpts which contain power exercise in every shape such as power through language, wealth, or through bodily strength. In this regard, Fairclough’s (1989) Three Dimensional Model (TDM) of CDA has been adopted for the analysis of the text.

Muhammad Ramzan, Dr. Abdul Karim Khan. (2020) Discursive Construction of Power Relations in Pashtun Society in Hamid Khan’s Short Story Badmash, Research Journal of Social Sciences & Economics Review , Volume-01, Issue-4.
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