There is very scarce material available on Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah’s school education in the vast tome of research carried upon him by his biographers. Where available, mostly it is without proper references and lacks authenticity. For instance, one of his biographers, Hector Bolitho, stated that he had passed his matriculation examination; which in fact he never did1 . Then, Mohammad Ali Siddiqui wrote that he was admitted in Sindh Madressatul Islam, Karachi in 18832 , ignoring the fact that the institution came into being on 1st September 1885. There are numerous confusions and disagreements about the place of his birth, the date of his birth, his schooling in Bombay, and so on

Dr. Muhammad Ali Shaikh. (2019) An Examination And Analysis Of Quaid-e-azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah’s School Education Records, Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society Historicus, Volume-67, Issue-3.
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