Islamic sharia and law is not stagnant and abrogated, but it has flexibility that it could
adopt new and modern issues and can get the solution according to Quranic and
Sunnah teachings. It means the Ijtehadic aspect of Suunah is unlocked till the Day of
Judgment so that it could be attached with the modern Islamic principles and laws,
and to find the solution of peoples’ need and concerns that should be compatible with
the modern age.
Striving towards solution of the issues is not forbidden but it is required. This is not
new Ijtehad but it’s a opinions and consensus of Muslims scholars and Mujtahdeen
regarding it that is called Tahqeeq Manat in the language of jurisprudence.
The purpose of Ijtehad from the seerah aspect is that we should present the Islamic
sharia and law in such a way that it should have balance, while presenting the solution
of any modern issue.
Saddam Hussain, Safia Aftab. (2017) The Ijtihadic aspect of Seerah Nabvi (S.A.W), The International Research Journal Department of Usooluddin, Volume-01, Issue-2.
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