Critical thinking skills are the innate ability among children. The child’s first observation about his/her environment is the symbol of critical thinking. The main objective of the current study was ... Read More

The aim of this paper is to outline the concise history of educational polices with critical analysis of educational policy making in Pakistan from its commencement. The education system of Pakistan i ... Read More

The research highlights the different modes of settlement of disputes in Islamic perspectives. Islam has also given a detailed system about the issue in question in the form of Tahkim, Sulah, and Wali ... Read More

The research focuses on the role of Islamic teachings for the character building individually and collectively for demonstrating the transparent values, which are helpful for relation building. The ba ... Read More

Terrorism is one of the grimmest issues of the whole world. It is weakening the very root of the societies suffering it. Pakistan is not exempted from it. Since the creation of Pakistan, the opponent ... Read More

Performance of secondary school students and teachers has been associated with that of head teachers in the public schools in the province of Baluchistan. Poor students’ results and lack of teacher’s ... Read More

The land of Subcontinent is much fruitful for seekers of knowledge and literature. That's why we find great scholars here particularly the name of Allama Abdul Aziz Memon. He contributed a lot to the ... Read More

Hazrat Makhdoom Muhammad Hashim Thattvi (R.A) is one of the most eminent scholars of twelfth century and he is enlisted among the most famous and renouned scholars and learned personalities who spent ... Read More

The personality of Hazrat Shaykh-ul-Hadeeth Maulana Muhammad Yusuf Banuri (may Allah have mercy on him) is not hidden, but he is a well-known personality and a large number of scholars and students kn ... Read More

A comparative study of the Ten Commandments of Torah with the teachings of Qur’an and Sunnah has been presented in detail in the given article. This article is aimed at pointing out the extent of rele ... Read More

Hafiz Ibne Kathir (R.A….) was a scholar of the 8th century of Hijra. He had command over many sciences of the Islamic studies, like:Quran, Hadith, fiqh, Seerat and history. He was a prolific writer an ... Read More

Al-Burhan Fi Uloom-al-quran and Al-Itqan Fi Uloom-al-quran both books are related to elm quran and their author’s represent shafi school of thought. It is essential to know the methodology of these bo ... Read More

Binte Shat’e (1913-1998) is a well known name of Egypt. Her full name is Ayesha Binte Abdur Rahman. She is famous in Egypt for her writing. Her writing name is Binte Shat’e. Her grandfather was a prof ... Read More

Muslim conquests began in the 7th century after the revelation of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). He formed such an alliance among the Arabs that Islamic power continued to spread for centuries after him ... Read More

Just like Sehabas, Tabeen and Taba Tabeen the lives of Sufies are very important as a model for the Muslims. Many biographies of these Sufies have been written. These biographies provide us great deta ... Read More

Allah has only chosen the Muslim Ummah for eternally life among the world's nations and alone has chosen them to lead and guide the humanity. The preachers of the religion fulfill all time necessities ... Read More

The importance and supremacy of the family law of Islam in the context of the subcontinent has been clearly reviewed in the research and it has been analyzed that Islam is a comprehensive religion in ... Read More

The core objective of this paper is to understand the Islamic ethics of disagreement and its value for contemporary Pakistani society. This study will enhance the knowledge of the theoretical understa ... Read More

Whenever Auliya Allah goes to an area and preaches for the sake of Allah, many truth seekers are gathered around them, called Saliq. A special place is set up for the spiritual training of these seeke ... Read More

Sahih Bukhari is a book of sahih hadiths, according to the majority of Muslims. However, some Mohadithin like Ibn-e-Adi, Abu Hatam Razi, Ibn-e-Habban, Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal and Imam Nasai declared som ... Read More

They are so many famous writers about the life of Holy Prophet (PBUH) in Sub-Continent, and generally its dealt to write from his birth to death because stories of his life are mostly discussed as per ... Read More

The establishment of peace is crucial for the security of the world. Without it, survival of the nations or even individuals is impossible. The religion Islam is the biggest promoter of peace and the ... Read More

Jurisprudence is in fact, the knowledge of Islamic law, its importance cannot be denied, because the Qur'an and Hadith contain clear instructions on the need and importance of jurisprudence per religi ... Read More

Jurisprudence is in fact, the knowledge of Islamic law, its importance cannot be denied, because the Qur'an and Hadith contain clear instructions on the need and importance of jurisprudence per religi ... Read More

Attock District is one of the most prominent districts of Pakistan in the northern area of the province of Punjab, situated at the very tip of the G.T. Road and enjoys itself with a particular impor ... Read More

In the traditional application of Kafal agreement this in not allowed to earn profit from it. But in the modern era a huge volume of national and international transactions is based on guarantee agr ... Read More

The meaning of Metallic Money System and making currency’s reason in the light of Qur’an and Sunnah, Ijma-e-Umma and religious researchers. Was currency used before this current time? It was used in ... Read More

The book "al-Muhalla"( المحلى بالآثار في شرح المجلى بالاختصار ) is an Islamic Encyclopedia in Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence), in Fiqh Zahiri( الفقه الظاهري ). This Fiqh is one of the schools of Islamic ... Read More

Different sciences have been launched to comprehend the meaning of Quran. Among these, one is the Science of Tajweed and Qeraat, the aim of which is protecting the pronunciation of the Quranic Words ... Read More

Shariah and Tasawwuf are not two apart things. Both of Shariah and Tasawwuf are the same and one thing. Sharia is the name of life style, which brought by Prophet Peace be upon him and Tasawwuf is t ... Read More

Modern age is the age of financial challenges, and it is a great fact that the riba free financial alternate has overcome the whole financial globe. The Islamic Banks are more important than the con ... Read More

Misunderstanding, illusion, deprivation, ill-treatment, complexity of marital status, societal imbalance, prejudice and social injustice, all these are the actual and factual reasons for what we see ... Read More

This paper is highlighting some of those issues which really are addressable by religious scholars of present era on priority basis. As human life is much variable, number of aspects come forth time ... Read More

Organ transplantation and organ donation is an important issue today. It was implemented in different ways. The medical field offers new methods of treatment, including organ transplantation and human ... Read More

Pakistani Society is facing many serious problems regarding religion. Takfeer is one of them. Sectarianism, insult of holy persons and books, prejudice, intolerance, impatience, extremism, acquisition ... Read More

There exist different methods and styles in every fiqhi school of thought to seek/derive the Ahkam-e-shre'ah from the basic and secondry sources of Islamic Fiqh. Through a research analysis of "Jame T ... Read More

The short story in the occupied lands began to make its way after the 1967 setback, and prove its existence, and its return intensifies with the passage of time, and with the increase in the number of ... Read More

Abu al-Hasan al-Mawardi was born in Basra (c.364/974) which was then one of the principal seats of learning and education in the Muslim world, He therefore got all his education here and rose in liter ... Read More

The services of JamiaHaqqaniaAkoraKhattak in Shamaa'il:Like the sayings, actions and speeches of Rasool-ullah SAW, his virtues, qualities and attributes are also sources of guidance for Muslims. Imam ... Read More