Sir Syed Ahmed Khan is considered as an important personality among reformers known in Urdu literature and history of Pakistan. He played a major role in enhancing /promoting academic, political, social and literary capacity of Muslims of subcontinent. All his services in the aforementioned sectors were based on principles and ideology consequence of a specific philosophic mental approach. It has been intended in my present article to establish that Sir Syed was also a philosopher .The other aspects of his personality superseded his recognition as a philosopher, but it did not effect his prominence as a philosopher .Sir syed followed the philosophical thoughts of Imam Ghazali to the effect that philosophy is not separate from religion and rather religion is the nucleus of philosophy .Sir syed's approach was as such that Islam is not different from nature .He was a preacher of human progress on the basis of the said philosophical mind.

Dr. Shazia Razzaq, Dr. Naila Anjum. (2021) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan as Philosopher, Makhz (Research Journal) , Volume 2, Issue 1.
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