The study aimed to measure the characteristics of government primary schools and to evaluate class IV students’ performance in mathematics and science standardized achievement tests. Three instruments were used to collect data from fifty- five government primary schools of district Sukkur. Data were analyzed for frequencies, percentages, mean and standard deviation. Tests were administered to 1073 students. The overall students mean score was found 31.68 and standard deviation 10.32. The mean score in science was32.55% and in mathematics 31.46%. Based on the percentage mean score of Science and Mathematics, schools were categorized accordingly. Schools where students’ performance was satisfactory in tests were found to have more capacity in terms of availability of physical facilities, teaching resources, level of professional support, teachers’ and head teachers’ own professional commitment. Schools, where students’ performance was unsatisfactory, a few of the inhibiting factors were evidenced. In the light of the findings, the study has made several recommendations for the improvement of the quality of education in primary schools.

Shahid Hussain. (2018) An Analysis of Government Primary Schools’ Characteristics Influencing Student Achievement in Northern Sindh, Bulletin of Education & Research, Volume 40, Issue 1.
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